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Out and About

| Sandi Kemp
This week I’m writing about mosquito control because they are out of control. I was trying to talk to my new neighbors, who recently moved here from Alaska, around dusk last week and we were all swatting mosquitos and dancing around trying to get out of the mosquitoes’ way. They were relentless. My feet and ankles were on fire. I finally had to tell our new neighbors that I just couldn’t chat anymore because – I couldn’t. I high tailed it back into my house – while zig-zagging back and forth trying to throw the mosquitos off my tail. I have found a few trying to follow me in my house. I found out that in the few months that our new neighbors have been here, they have also found the mosquitos to be overly plentiful. They had already invested in some kind of mosquito magnet machine that kills mosquitoes.  I would have checked it out if I didn’t have to literally run away.


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