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Out and About

| Sandi Kemp
This week we say goodbye to our newfound and reluctant reporter Jon Crider who is leaving us for medical school at the University of Mississippi. We tried to talk him out of it, but his response was perfect, of course. He said they haven’t discovered a cure for cancer yet and there was important research being pursued on other diseases.  So, he is going to have to leave us for the greater good of all mankind – or something like that.  I believe, if he really wanted to follow his heart, and money was no object, that he would stay. However – I know neither to be true, so he is physically leaving the area. However… (to be read dot, dot, dot) he is still writing one more story and it is going to be a-w-e-s-o-m-e when that story is ready for prime time. In fact, it might actually be good enough for prime time – in a TV movie special. Do they still do those?


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