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Out and About

| Sandi Kemp
We made a few small changes to this week’s issue but next week – there will be an even more noticeable difference. One difference will be where you will find this page. We are going to move this page to the back of the A section for several reasons one of which is because we are going to have two pages of editorial content. We have had a small debate at the office about our section that starts out with the word “Community.”  All of Navarre Press is about our community or news that affects our community, so why have a page that says “Community?” We are still mulling that over. We will be moving a few other pages around and we are going to have a regular “History” page. The page may appear every other week – or every week. Today’s news is tomorrow’s history. However, we have found a source for local history that is a-w-e-s-o-m-e. 


The remainder of this article is available only for our website subscribers, who help fund our mission of keeping you updated on news you want and need to know. You can become a subscriber for as little as $5.67 a month.


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