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Out and About

| Sandi Kemp
I found out a very valuable piece of information that I would not have known if I had not gone to the South Annex last week to transfer car titles. My daughters have cars that were still in my name and their name. The tags were up for renewal so I thought it was time to transfer the titles into their names alone – and give them their first real asset on their balance sheet. We are trying to teach real life finances before they actually leave home and we also want to make sure they know the cost of owning a car since they have had it pretty easy up until now. I paid two years of taxes on the vehicles and told them that insurance, oil changes and repairs from now on – were on them. The valuable piece of information for parents out there is that if you still own a car in your name and your child’s name, make sure you transfer the title while they still live at home. That will save you $225 – each. Apparently there is a $225 fee if they have to put a different address on the car title when it is transferred. Merry Christmas. I need to start “Life Hacks for Santa Rosa County.”  We need contributors – so if you run into something like this – please let us know.


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