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Out and About

| Sandi Kemp
Monday night I told my daughters they had to go vote the next day. At first, they said they were too busy, they had to work, and they didn’t know who they would vote for. “I’m not just going to vote for who you tell me to vote for,” proclaimed both of them in separate conversations. Wow. I was super proud they said that. I pointed them to the voter’s guide that we produced and gave them a synopsis of each candidate and my perceived strengths and weaknesses with the condition that it was just my opinion – a very educated opinion nonetheless. I even told one of my daughters that she might consider a candidate and she flatly said, “Sounds to me like they don’t have enough experience,” totally discounting me. Both of them voted and I know this because my oldest daughter texted me that she saw her sister’s signature and said the following, “So, I went to vote and I asked them if they’ve had a lot of youngsters and they said that they’ve actually had hardly anyone.” When I shared her text with Shana in the newsroom she said, “Well, we know she is not a “youngster” if she actually said, ‘youngster.’” It will be a late night tonight as we await the results and we have already decided what kind of pizza to order.


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