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Out and About

| Sandi Kemp
There is a new Facebook page called, “NICE” and it stands for Navarre Individuals Complimenting Everything. What a novel concept. This is a breath of fresh air as other Facebook pages who say they are “concerned” take it upon themselves to bash people and local businesses on a regular basis. I hope the new Facebook page catches on. There is a lot of misinformation on the Internet and on Facebook. We have had many calls asking us to write stories to correct the information on Facebook pages. That is not our job – to correct the Internet. If people are out there and they believe everything they read on the Internet – especially from people they don’t know and/or haven’t checked the sources themselves, then we can’t save them. And, the businesses that are maligned or misrepresented really don’t need them anyway. I personally took myself off these groups because it was really bringing me down. I started to think that this was Navarre, but I know it isn’t. There have been many multimillion dollar liable lawsuits successfully won from misinformation posted on websites and Facebook Pages. I also wonder if people from out of town that read those pages would want to move here. I’m glad there is a new Facebook called Navarre NICE. We need more NICE in Navarre. NICE never hurt anyone…unless…never mind. I’m choosing to be NICE.


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