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Out and About

| Sandi Kemp
Inside this issue, we have a story on page 9B about the founder of Navarre from a perspective which I’ve never heard before — and I have heard the story from a lot of people, some of which are no longer with us. I heard that Wyman’s wife, Noelle, who named Navarre, came on Wyman’s land to tend to the pet cemetery when she was shot. I had not heard that she had trespassed before. I had also not heard that she was carrying a gun when she was shot. I wonder if there are police reports around from the early 1930s.  Regardless….marrying and divorcing that many women in the early 1900s was almost unheard of. Also, I heard that the Roberts brothers that killed his parents were hanged in Crestview, but then there is another account that their sentence was commuted to life in prison because they were young and brothers.  Someone should write the real biography of Col. Guy Wyman – with the backup documentation. The story is interesting no matter how it is told. However, it is too bad that we have this sordid history to point back to as the founding of Navarre. Regardless, it isn’t where you have been, but where you are going. Navarre is going places — good places, and we aren’t going to let the past taint our future. However… there is the makings of at least a made for TV movie.  Someone should start working on that script.


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