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Letters to the Editor, Opinion

Cuban plane exodus 

My prediction is our next immigration problem will come from Cuba. With the action of the Obama administration to normalize relations with Cuba, without any legitimate insight (none by Republicans / thought out very well by Democrats) in regards to immigration and the new commercial flights (Cuban government-owned airline) from Cuba, the following will be next. Our U.S. immigration policy known as “Wet Foot, Dry Foot” will be subverted to allow any Cuban into our country. They will need a Cuban passport only issued by the Cuban government. The government itself will decide who leaves Cuba. They may or may not need an entry visa (if so, visas will be fast tracked) from the Obama administration to gain entry to our country. Once here the “Dry Foot” portion of our immigration law will kick in and the Obama administration will issue, at a minimum by law, a $1,500 dollar tax payer-paid check to all who arrive and are wanting citizenship.


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