Christ born again at the perfect time
Out and About
Beach safety proves top priority of county, and we agree
For God’s Sake: Sparking an interest in reading the Bible
There are a few unique words and expressions in the Bible that have made their way into common English speech.
One of those words is “shibboleth,” which refers to a word, a mannerism, or a mode of dress that is peculiar to a group. It comes from an incident recorded in Judges 12, a conflict between two Israelite tribes, the Ephraimites and the Gileadites.
Taking one for the American team
Les Harrison: Doveweed makes homeowners fight for their lawns
There are many mysteries and riddles which defy understanding, even today.
One of those is the common names applied to objects or tangible things, especially some plant species found in the local environment.
Brian Out Loud
My dog got a hold of my press pass the other day and brought it to his pit of death, which is a cooler term for under the dining room table.
He put a few bite marks into it, but luckily, the pass lives on, which means more opportunities are on the horizon for me in the world of covering sports.
Letter: Why do residents need to pay for recycling?
Letter: Commissioners to blame for traffic on 98
Muscadines continue their journey up and over anything within their grasp
The climb to the top is always a challenge, but it is the goal of many.
The route is never a straight line or simple.