Break out the books, read to your children
I am a local VPK teacher and a director at a childcare facility.
In order to maintain a current director’s credential, we are required to complete a professional writing contribution regarding an important topic in early childhood education.
Be sure what is being consumed and control amount when it comes to horses
Ask any Santa Rosa County horse owner and they will say their horse has a sweet tooth.
In addition to sugar cubes there are apples, pears and many other fruits with a high sugar content which are attractive to equines everywhere.
Out and About
The Holley Navarre Water System board is up to seven members again after appointing Jo Ann Cave and Don Linnell to fill two open positions.
We were not informed of the special meeting to elect the two new board members even though we knew they had two openings.
Incorporation: It’s time for Navarre residents to get on board
The support in Navarre to incorporate and be our own city with our own identity, direction, and priorities is growing fast.
As more residents see the advantages of self-determination and more focused representation of our local needs and concerns, the incorporation move is gaining attention and support.
More listening, civility needed in public meetings
In recent months, Santa Rosa County has developed a reputation for public meetings marked by outbursts, arguing and, as a result, increased law enforcement presence.
The Santa Rosa County School District responded by strictly enforcing rules of conduct and having deputies remove audience members who defy those rules in any way.
We can all do more, be more and move past gender barriers
For the last nine months, I’ve been immersed in the worlds of Navarre and Santa Rosa County.
It’s been fascinating and challenging to understand the smaller community of the area stretched along U.S. Highway 98 and the county, which includes everything from high-rise condominiums to agriculture.
For God’s Sake: We need a sustained rainy season of civility and commonsense
Recently, I did something that I had purposed I would never do – I engaged a social media post that was obviously intended only to incite.
A friend posted a meme claiming that 56% of conservative Christians reacted in laughable ignorance to a statement that employed a generic word close in spelling to one which was sure to elicit a negative reaction from them.
Brian Out Loud
We’ve got Tim Tebow in the NFL, Tony La Russa unhappy with his own player violating a rule that isn’t even written down and fans at games behaving like the teacher just left the room for five minutes.
Man, sports, get your mind right. Because at the moment, you’ve lost it.