Preserve Navarre founders trying to preserve themselves
What’s in a name?
Smoke and mirrors, if it’s Preserve Navarre.
For God’s Sake: When a person comes to faith in Christ, God begins to change their appetite
Have you ever sat down in a restaurant, begun to read the menu and then realized you can’t afford to eat there?
My wife and I went shopping and, having a gift card, decided to eat dinner out. We were handed menus and I realized, “I can’t afford to eat here!”
Brian Out Loud
There are a lot of reasons you are reading this column today. My interest in the once-great Chicago Tribune at a young age is one of them.
I say once-great because the Tribune is in the midst of being gutted. Its foundation is crumbling.
The flip side of a Navarre Beach RV park
For God’s Sake: Jesus’ message promises an eternal future of full satisfaction
Hibbing, Minnesota is famous.“Yes!” some really smart person who always wins at Trivial Pursuit might reply, “It is ‘The Iron Capital of the World’ and home to the world’s largest iron ore pit.”
Well, there is that.
Gopher tortoises always scuttling about in an attempt to survive.
Gopher tortoises are often hidden in the tall grasses as they slowly plod through the hot summer days.
The 90-degree-plus June temperature readings have many residents slowing their pace for the explicit purpose of not overheating.
Out and About
The community lost a big supporter and a huge contributor last weekend when Bill Pullum died.
Among other contributions, we can thank him for a donation that helped launch the Betty J Pullum YMCA.
Florida has more jobs than jobseekers
Love me, love my business: Is that too much to ask?
When we first moved to the area in the mid-1990s, the Navarre Beach Bridge was still a toll.
Somehow, though, I have only positive memories of crossing that bridge despite the fact that I had to rummage through the change dish in my car.
Brian Out Loud
There are always different paths available to the same destination, and often the same result, and that is exactly what college football is shooting for as it looks into blazing a new trail to a championship.
The current playoff format is four teams. Save for an exception here or there, it’s typically the same teams competing for a title year after year, with Alabama, of course, being the safest bet in the game.