Saying goodbye to seconds with every breath
It seems several lifetimes have passed since I sat in the grass on the side of a hill in a small community outside Rockford, Illinois, watching fireworks with my boyfriend.
I was 17, about to head off to college and had no idea what the next decades would bring.
Out and About
The Fourth of July is right around the corner and we’re expecting busy beaches, businesses and roadways.
We’re also expecting one of the biggest local fireworks shows on July 4th at 9 p.m., which will be shot from the end of the Navarre Beach Fishing Pier.
Truth needs to be everyone’s currency
There’s a difference between passion and speaking mistruths, as Navarre Press reminds readers in this week’s edition.
At the June 22 Santa Rosa Board of County Commission meeting, District 3 Commissioner James Calkins announced that Santa Rosa County was the only one in the state that had not yet instituted the Guardian Program.
For God’s Sake: We are quick to believe as truth things that are not
“Unencumbered by the facts, they gave their opinion,” I said to a colleague as we marveled at the concert of rumors and speculations swirling around an unfortunate incident in a church we were serving.
We were amazed at how eager some were to spread the byproduct of their fertile imaginations and how eager others were to believe them.
Brian Out Loud
There is a new frontier developing in college athletics and it is one where a college scholarship is simply no longer enough.
Once upon a time it was. An athlete getting a scholarship used to be the greatest thing in the world. He or she was content with it.
Our government under attack
Some thoughts about what the “Censored” are doing in Washington D.C. now.
To me, it looks like the “Democratic Party” is working to make the USA a “One Party Political Socialism/Dictatorship” County like “Nazi Germany” was before the second World War and turn the control of the U.S. over to the UN.
God bless us all
Facebook should be a happy place rather than fight club of online communication
Out and About
Our local officials have been busy this week sorting out everything from budget, changes to the land development code and what to do about the soon-to-be-empty seat for the county attorney.
I’ll start with the last item first. The county has been using the services of a Tallahassee law firm since commissioners voted to fire the county attorney late last year.
Mimosa tree aggressive invader in disguise
With the onset of summer, many trees and plants have already bloomed and are settling into the green background. An exception are the Mimosa trees, Albizia julibrissin, which are blooming profusely.
These once popular small trees are commonly found in the yards of older homes in Santa Rosa County where the display of prolific pink blooms starts up as the weather warms.