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Jul 7, 2021

It is with great excitement that Santa Rosa County School District celebrates the successful end of the 2020-2021 school year and begins preparation for the 21-22 year!

From the amazing accomplishments of our 28,800 students to the professional and impressive work of our 3,100 teachers and staff, the 20-21 school year has been a memorable and outstanding year!

Jul 7, 2021

I receive regular promotional emails from the carmaker, Porsche; they must think that I have money.

It all began about five years ago with their email inviting me and a friend to a nearby racetrack for a morning of professional driving instruction in their cars.

Jul 6, 2021

Thousands dream of being a pro athlete. Only a small percentage of them ever make that dream come true because the odds are so stacked against them.

Navarre’s own Michael Sandle has beaten the odds. He is about to become the latest to move into the rarified air of professional sports.

Jul 2, 2021

I respect Navarre Press immensely for publishing both sides of any issue.

There have been stories accurately reporting the activities and viewpoint of our Preserve Navarre nonprofit.

Jul 1, 2021

Navarre is our home, and we have fallen in-love with the small-town feel and community.

Being an active-duty member, we move constantly but hope to remain in Navarre for some-time.

Jun 30, 2021

The beginning of summer returns memories of carefree days past when school was out, and leisure hours outside were plenty. Unfortunately, today’s youth do not have the same appreciation for sweaty fun.

The family dog however is not encumbered by these contemporary electrically powered traps which occupy the mind and entomb the body.

Jun 30, 2021

It seems several lifetimes have passed since I sat in the grass on the side of a hill in a small community outside Rockford, Illinois, watching fireworks with my boyfriend.

I was 17, about to head off to college and had no idea what the next decades would bring.

Jun 30, 2021

The Fourth of July is right around the corner and we’re expecting busy beaches, businesses and roadways.

We’re also expecting one of the biggest local fireworks shows on July 4th at 9 p.m., which will be shot from the end of the Navarre Beach Fishing Pier.

Jun 30, 2021

There’s a difference between passion and speaking mistruths, as Navarre Press reminds readers in this week’s edition.

At the June 22 Santa Rosa Board of County Commission meeting, District 3 Commissioner James Calkins announced that Santa Rosa County was the only one in the state that had not yet instituted the Guardian Program.

Jun 30, 2021

“Unencumbered by the facts, they gave their opinion,” I said to a colleague as we marveled at the concert of rumors and speculations swirling around an unfortunate incident in a church we were serving.

We were amazed at how eager some were to spread the byproduct of their fertile imaginations and how eager others were to believe them.

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