Brian Out Loud
Sometimes I scratch my head when it comes to great athletes that just don’t seem to be getting the recruiting looks that they should be late in their high school careers.
Navarre’s Devin Wright is one of them.
September important month for native plants
The month of September is known as the gateway for a variety of events. Historically, it was the beginning of the school year.
September is an important month for many native plants in Santa Rosa County. This ninth month of the year with its dwindling hours of sun is the time seeds mature and plant growth slows.
For God’s Sake: God is pleased to work through human weakness
One summer, my wife and I vacationed in Newfoundland, where, in addition to trying cod tongues, a disgusting local delicacy, we went on an iceberg cruise.
Local fishermen supplement their income by loading tourists into their boats and deliberately sailing them toward icebergs. Can you say, “Titanic?”
Owner should pay for Tibet Drive repairs
Out and About
There is a lot of dirt being moved in Navarre right now. The Publix at the county line has cleared their lot and new apartment complex, “Elevate Navarre,” started clearing this week.
Also, we have a report in this week’s issue that the new K-8 school, East Bay K-8 is already almost 100 students over projections and more than 80% capacity in their first two months after opening its doors for students. Navarre is growing with or without your permission.
Wendy’s Words: Look what’s washed up on the beach lately
When my husband and I first moved to the area 25 years ago, we spent every weekend on a local beach. He would fish and I would walk the shoreline, looking for shells, sand dollars or anything else that caught my eye.
There’s something about a body of water as large as the Gulf of Mexico that is exciting. What’s in there that we can’t see? The possibilities are endless.
A revolution is brewing in Navarre
Money and centralized power have deeply infected our politics.
Numerous studies have proven that special interest groups dominate the landscape.
Brian Out Loud
Some things never change in college football.
Alabama keeps winning. Florida State can’t get itself right.
We are all flowers in someone’s eyes
At work, I park near a vacant lot that is littered with debris, trees and the occasional burst of color.
Last week, I noticed that in addition to dozens of chaotic and prolific small yellow flowers, there were a few pale purple blooms.
A few hawk moths are a curiosity; too many require control
Initial impressions can sometimes be deceiving.
At any point in time the subject of interest may be in a brief transitory state which soon passes into a condition more representative of the creature’s true nature, especially insects.