Be kind to your rattlebox moths
Exotic invasive species are a continuing problem for panhandle Florida, and many other places in the country.
The non-natives are brought into an ideal environment where they can grow and proliferate with unrestrained abound.
Incorporation won’t make life better in Navarre
Grant applications are trickier in Santa Rosa County than we’d like
For God’s Sake: We will never be sinless this side of heaven, but we can sin less
A group of men from Compass Church and I have begun meeting weekly to study the book “Disciplines of a Godly Man” by R. Kent Hughes.
This excellent book is founded on the command in the Bible for Christians to “discipline” themselves for godliness. The author begins by highlighting famous, successful men, who made their craft look easy.
Gratitude is more filling than a big holiday meal
As we all continue planning for one of the fattest days of the year, I wanted to share with all of you some of my secrets for a successful holiday.
Growing up in a family where holidays were likely occasions for conflict, I learned some valuable deflecting skills. Now that I have a family of my own, I have perfected some of these techniques, broadening and deepening my coping strategies.
Brian Out Loud
No finger pointing. No excuses.
Navarre’s football team wasn’t playing the blame game after its crushing loss to one of its biggest rivals in the Beach Bowl two weeks ago.
New amendment would spell trouble for credit card customers
There are times when we are uncertain what will happen if a particular public policy is implemented.
A proposal in Congress about cuts in interchange fees on credit cards is not one of them.
Out and About
Only the government could put “stormwater mitigation” and “COVID-19” into the same sentence.
In another twist to the long story of federal funding for the pandemic, the stormwater mitigation task force met last week to decide what stormwater projects to submit for COVID funding.
Still listening to same song all these years later
There is a song called “Joy,” performed by pianist George Winston, which I can credit in part with the beginning of my true writing life.
After college, I had originally gotten into social work and, although I was an English major, had not yet discovered the magic of writing. This song, along with a powerful friendship with someone at that time, connected the two.
For God’s Sake: Marriage is glorious gift of God we cherish
My idea of an enjoyable morning is sipping coffee with my wife at a café and watching the world pass by. Our favorite perch when we lived in Naples was a bagel shop in a very busy plaza.
On Friday mornings, we’d seat ourselves at a table facing the small, very full, parking lot to watch the clumsy ballet of cars attempting to enter and exit.