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Apr 13, 2022
For Christians around the world, Easter represents a time of renewal, and a time of remembrance of the death of Jesus and his resurrection.

Apr 13, 2022

Easter isn’t just a holiday (Holy Day) like other holidays.

It is a celebration of the most important day in history, the resurrection of Jesus Christ, three days after his crucifixion and burial. The event was documented at the time by non-believing historians.

Apr 13, 2022

April 2nd was my “spiritual birthday.”

It was on April 2, 1984, that I was “born again” by God’s grace through faith in Jesus Christ. That term “born again” has gained some unfortunate baggage in recent years but it is thoroughly biblical. Jesus said to the Pharisee, Nicodemus, “Truly, truly I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”

Apr 13, 2022

Hey dad, if heaven had a newspaper subscription, I would ask God to pass this column along to you.

It’s been nearly two weeks since that heartbreaking Sunday morning I found out you were gone. Mom called just before 6 a.m. to let me know. I wasn’t ready for the kind of news that has changed my world forever.

Apr 5, 2022

Maybe I missed it, but I don’t remember hearing anyone talk about how well their brackets did for the NCAA women’s basketball tournament.

I also don’t ever remember a lot of talk about women’s college swimming this year, at least not until Lia Thomas came along and created controversy with her participation in an NCAA championship meet last month.

Mar 30, 2022

There’s a ticket stub attached to the inside of one of my binders that holds basketball cards from an era a long time ago.

We won’t get into just how long ago, except to say that every time I take a look at those cards, I swear I still smell the bubble gum that came with each pack of cards I bought.

Mar 30, 2022

A re-occurring theme in Navarre or Santa Rosa County for that matter is the number two. If one is good, then two is better.

We usually end up with two of something when within an organization there is a disgruntled faction and instead of working together to solve a problem, the disgruntled take their toys and create their own sandbox to play in.

Mar 30, 2022

The site work for Slim Chicken’s location next to the Navarre Post Office is moving quickly.

And, according to one of our avid readers, Mike Sandler, there are survey stakes where the proposed apartment complex is possibly going east of St. Augustine’s Church.

Mar 30, 2022

My wife and I woke this morning to a backyard surprise, a 2-foot hole in our back fence and a 3-foot hole in our side fence.

It seems that one of our local black bears decided that going through our fences was easier than going over them.

Mar 23, 2022

I had a conversation with a recovering newspaper publisher this past week who was in the newspaper, business journal business for more than 30 years.

He found me because he visited the Navarre Beach Area Chamber and Chanda Ryan, the executive director, told him he should talk to me. We talked for a little bit on the phone but then I invited him to lunch at Panera.

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