For God’s Sake: Starting a church like establishing a new community
One of the benefits for a pastor in starting a new church is implementing ministry essentials that pastors often only get to dream about.
You are largely starting with a blank slate with none of the difficult baggage leftover from a congregation’s history, at least in theory.
The Amazon effect
You know the math. Most of the money spent in Navarre stays in Navarre. It really is that simple.
When you shop locally, you’re really getting cash back in the form of lower taxes.
Out and About
As usual, we have a lot of very interesting stories about our community in this week’s issue.
We have a story on an 11-year-old Navarre violinist winning the state concerto competition, a story about boating under the influence resulting from our ride-along with Florida Fish and Wildlife and the Okaloosa Sheriff’s Department, an entire spread on the Blue Angels Team for 2022 and their show this weekend – just to name a few of our stories.
Brian Out Loud
As I walked around Beyer Stadium in my hometown of Rockford, Illinois, a couple of weeks ago, I thought about the Rockford Peaches and what it must have been like to play here in the era that they did here in this Northwest Illinois city.
They began playing in Rockford while America was still at war, and they continued to play here nearly a decade after World War II ended.
For God’s Sake: Only in Christ can true reconciliation be achieved
My wife and I just watched Places in the Heart, a movie we had both seen when it was first released in 1984.
I would not describe our viewing experience as “enjoyable” for the movie deals with difficult subjects like death, adultery, and racism.
County commissioners stand for what’s right
Way to go, Santa Rosa County Commissioners.
You discussing abortion upset a PNJ letter writer.
The Spirit of ’76: Protecting us against the Putin Playbook
As we gather to celebrate Independence Day, it’s a good time to reflect on how our most fundamental freedoms have served this nation well.
It’s an even better time to think about what would happen if those liberties were taken away.
Out and About
Independence Day should mean what it says, Independence. Friday, June 24, we had a taste of what Independence means.
The Supreme Court actually wrote that they, the Supreme Court of the United States, do not have the power to rule that abortion is legal throughout out the United States.
For God’s Sake: Faith in Jesus will save you
It is HOT outside! As I am writing this it is 94 degrees Fahrenheit, or “foreign-heat,” as a beloved Canadian comedian once coined.
Canada is on the metric system, so my family would be complaining that it is a sweltering 35 degrees Celsius, which, I think you would agree, sounds more tolerable.
Brian Out Loud
Four years. It just doesn’t seem possible.
But, yes, it really has been that long since DJ Deas, a promising young athlete who seemingly had the world at his fingertips, died by suicide shortly after the end of the school year.