Look for truth on incorporation
PreserveNavarre is committed to facts and believes the people of Navarre deserve nothing less.
A NONpartisan effort to stand up for our community is a beautiful thing. This effort to incorporate as a city has already produced one of the greatest feasibility studies in our state’s history.
How is the national transition working out for you? Our national government has failed at every endeavor they have gotten involved.
It seems irrational that these policies are by design; however, I believe the plan is to make the citizens of the USA so miserable that transition to socialism will be accepted.
Out and About
The truth is our currency: We must know the truth to make good decisions. The same is true for our community – they must know the truth.
This is our first core value for our organization and foundational to the remainder of our core values, one of which is personal responsibility.
For God’s Sake: Find a healthy church
Brian Out Loud
I’ve never really been a big fan of all-conference, all-region or even all-state teams.
Don’t get me wrong. The recognition for the athletes is great and well-deserved. I have nothing against that part of it.
Historical Imogene Theatre needs Friends
It’s not especially large; it’s tiny compared to its modern counterparts.
And it’s not fancy. Whatever beauty it might hold comes from its simplicity, a square room with hardwood floors and whitewashed walls, natural light streaming in from rows of simple rectangular windows.
Out and About
This week we have asked five questions from our County Commissioner candidates who are running for District 2 and 4.
Unfortunately, three of the District 2 candidates didn’t respond as of press time and in District 4, two didn’t respond.
Brian Out Loud
Hiring a coach can prove to be tricky times. Like trying to pick the right door to choose in one of those game shows.
But it’s safe to say Navarre and Milton got it right when it came to filling the voids they had for the position of head coach of the softball team.
For God’s Sake: Starting a church like establishing a new community
One of the benefits for a pastor in starting a new church is implementing ministry essentials that pastors often only get to dream about.
You are largely starting with a blank slate with none of the difficult baggage leftover from a congregation’s history, at least in theory.
The Amazon effect
You know the math. Most of the money spent in Navarre stays in Navarre. It really is that simple.
When you shop locally, you’re really getting cash back in the form of lower taxes.