Triumph Gulf Coast: “efficiency and effectiveness”
It’s almost impossible to understand it if you weren’t here then.
One April morning in 2010 the Gulf of Mexico exploded. Hundreds of millions of gallons of oil roared up out of an undersea volcano and smeared across 70,000 miles of ocean.
Another grievous error
The latest fossil fuel sale from the strategic reserve to China and Western Europe is wrong.
Dispensing strategic energy in this manner is tantamount to treason. Does our government care about its citizens?
Looking back at Census 2020: What Florida’s business and community leaders need to know
Following the 2020 Census, Florida could have secured:
- Extra yearly federal funding;
- An additional congressional seat; and
- Reliable data to guide statewide business and economic development, workforce infrastructure, social services, and decision-making for the years to come.
Out and About
This election season seems very low key compared to years past.
We had a difficult time even getting some of the candidates to answer basic questions.
Brian Out Loud
Fans lined the railing along the walkway leading from the tunnel to the field on a rainy Tuesday night in early July at Blue Wahoos Stadium.
They had hats, bats, gloves, shirts and cards. Someone even had a plastic shovel.
For God’s Sake: Preach the truth
Some three decades ago, when I entered full-time Christian ministry, it occurred to me that I was entering a field that, at its foundation, is unchanging.
It was comforting to know that the God I serve, the God of the Bible, is unchanging. Who He is, He has always been and always will be.
For God’s Sake: Find a healthy church
Look for truth on incorporation
PreserveNavarre is committed to facts and believes the people of Navarre deserve nothing less.
A NONpartisan effort to stand up for our community is a beautiful thing. This effort to incorporate as a city has already produced one of the greatest feasibility studies in our state’s history.
How is the national transition working out for you? Our national government has failed at every endeavor they have gotten involved.
It seems irrational that these policies are by design; however, I believe the plan is to make the citizens of the USA so miserable that transition to socialism will be accepted.
Out and About
The truth is our currency: We must know the truth to make good decisions. The same is true for our community – they must know the truth.
This is our first core value for our organization and foundational to the remainder of our core values, one of which is personal responsibility.