Nov 14, 2024
For God’s Sake
Independence is a word cherished by most in this country. On July 4, 1776, the United States of America officially declared its independence from Great Britain. My home country of Canada was not officially declared independent until 1982!
Nov 14, 2024
Out and About
Thanksgiving is two weeks from the date of this paper, and we have been planning the Thanksgiving paper for weeks. It is going to be a lot of fun with puzzles and games for the entire family as well as the news and information you expect and should expect from us. That being said, I have to say I apologize we do not have more information on the double murder and suicide that happened on election night.
Nov 14, 2024
You can’t have our penny
Hey Santa Rosa County – we want better roads. We want a way to get some traffic off Highway 98. We want you to do something about flooding. We want our infrastructure to match our growth!
Nov 11, 2024
Brian Out Loud
Soccer players on the fields at NYSA are likely dreaming big as they compete week in and week out.
What they aren’t doing is playing on a field of dreams as the fields at Navarre’s local soccer complex are from being in ideal condition.
What they aren’t doing is playing on a field of dreams as the fields at Navarre’s local soccer complex are from being in ideal condition.
Nov 7, 2024
For God’s Sake
I write these columns the week before they are published, so this piece will be read two days after the presidential election. It is safe for me to predict, now less than one week out, that roughly half of this nation is cheering the election results, and the other half is sorely disappointed, perhaps even angry. I suspect this could be said of any election.
Nov 7, 2024
Out and About
I was at the water department today, November 4, attempting to straighten out where a water bill is being mailed, and a very slender gentleman came in wanting to put $8 down on his $20 water bill so his water wouldn’t be turned off. He’s been employed in the flooring business for more than 20 years and he said that this year has been the slowest. He thinks it is because people are waiting for the outcome of the election. He, like a lot of other people, think if Trump is not elected, the economy is going to get worse, much worse. By the time you read this, hopefully, there is a clear winner.
Nov 7, 2024
A life of service and sacrifice
On Nov. 11 we will honor the brave men and women who answered a sacred call to duty for our country. It is a day to reflect on the courage, dedication and resilience of our military personnel. It is a small way to say, “thank you for your service” and we should add the words “and sacrifices.”
Nov 3, 2024
Brian Out Loud
Someone made a post about coaching on social media the other day. And it is so very true.
Summarizing it, the post stated that everyone knows more than you and wants your job on Friday nights, but they don’t want your job every other day and month of the year when games aren’t being played.
Summarizing it, the post stated that everyone knows more than you and wants your job on Friday nights, but they don’t want your job every other day and month of the year when games aren’t being played.
Oct 31, 2024
For God’s Sake
Tonight is Halloween, and my wife and I will be dishing out candy to the costumed kids coming to our door – it’s a good way to meet neighbors – but we are not promoting the celebration. No giant skeletons or inflatable ghosts clutter our front yard, and no lit jack-o-lanterns sit outside our front door, which may explain why we do not get many callers. Not to worry, I have taken it as my personal duty to eat any leftover candy, a duty from which I will not waver.
Oct 31, 2024
Out and About
Looks like there is no shame and nothing is off limits ahead of our presidential election. The Democratic candidate, Kamala Harris, and her proxies are calling the other candidate, Donald Trump, Hitler and those that might want to vote for him white supremacists, even those that are obviously not white. The rhetoric is very dangerous, and I am appalled at the depths of depravity the democratic party is willing to go to in an attempt to sway the election their way. You always know when someone doesn’t have anything substantive to say – they start saying things like, Hitler. I don’t know what is worse, how about Satan or Beelzebub. That is next. Wait, they have already done it. The have been spreading rumors that Donald Trump is probably the Anti-Christ.