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Apr 17, 2023
Recently over lunch, some friends and I were discussing social media and how online interactions are akin to what went on in the barbaric games of the ancient Roman Coliseum. In my opinion, social media is a misnomer, it should be called unsocial media, or even anti-social media. I know that I have whined about this in the past, but social media interactions have not improved.

Apr 11, 2023
When I left my house this morning my granddaughter was watching dancing vegetables on the living room TV and she was mesmerized. My four children were not raised watching screens or TV and I had already cautioned my daughter about getting her daughter hooked on screens.

Apr 11, 2023
Excited social media posts rippled across Santa Rosa County last week when the school board approved adding a limited middle school sports program. It’s about time. Our neighbors in Escambia and Okaloosa counties have offered robust middle school sports programs for years while Santa Rosa County families wonder why they don’t have the same opportunity.

Apr 11, 2023
I love technology. I think it’s incredible that the science fiction of my childhood has become my reality as an adult.

Apr 10, 2023
I’m going to say for 364 days of the year, most of America could care less about women’s college basketball. Most of America doesn’t put it on its list of sports to watch on a Tuesday night in late January and no one is racing to fill out women’s basketball brackets for an office pool.

Apr 10, 2023
Growing up in Canada, my first taste of pineapple was from a can. Those perfectly sliced rings of gold, floating in juice, looked enticing, but they tasted a lot like the can. Pinning them to the side of a Sunday ham and immolating them in an oven did little to improve the taste.

Apr 7, 2023
Easter is this Sunday, and we hope you enjoy the day with your family and take time to remember Easter’s significance as the day we celebrate Jesus Christ’s triumph over death. His resurrection seals the promise that eternal life is granted to all who believe in Him.

Apr 3, 2023
It seems a little hard to believe, but it’s been a little more than four months since I joined the staff here at the Crestview News Bulletin and Santa Rosa’s Press Gazette. While my primary job as editor has me working with our reporters on stories, organizing the budgets of the papers and of course editing all the stories, photo captions and graphics for accuracy and grammar (I do apologize for mistakes that sneak past me, they annoy me as well), this job has also given me a chance to return to my roots as a reporter and writer.

Apr 3, 2023
“God showed up!” a colleague’s Facebook post announced regarding a particularly moving worship service at his church. “You’ve got that backward,” I remarked to myself, “it is you and your congregation who showed up.”

Apr 3, 2023
Heaven still doesn’t have a newspaper subscription. I know. I can’t believe it either. I also can’t believe it’s been a year since my dad passed away. 365 days have come and gone.
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