Jul 3, 2023
For God’s Sake: Trust in Him
These days, there seems to be a credulity gap between what people say and what they do.
The credulity gap to which I am referring is when a person or an institution champions an ideal but acts in a manner contrary to it. The technical term for this credulity gap is “an issue of plausibility.”
Jul 3, 2023
Brian Out Loud
I really could have written this column with one emoji. You know the one where the person has the hand slapping the face.
That really would have covered all you need to know about the district set up for cross-country for the teams in this area.
Jun 26, 2023
Out and About
Our editorial this week should be an eye-opener for anyone with children or anyone who cares about children in our school district.
Another issue that has been bubbling up is the Holley-Navarre Water System’s 2019-2020 policy which looks at commercial properties, what the property originally paid in tap fees, and what their current usage is, only to ask for impact fees –after the fact.
Jun 26, 2023
Disturbing books in our school libraries
Who knew at some point in time we would be discussing sexually explicit books allowed in our school libraries? And yet, here we are.
At last week’s county commission meeting, citizens showed up (and some showed out) to proclaim their disgust at the books being allowed in the libraries across our school system.
Jun 26, 2023
For God’s Sake: Final destination is sure
I don’t fly as much as I did earlier in ministry when I traveled to speak at various conferences. My most recent flying experience has not made me eager to fly more.
I was traveling to the Evangelical Free Church of America’s biennial conference at Fullerton E-Free Church where well-known pastor Chuck Swindoll ministered for several decades.
Jun 26, 2023
Brian Out Loud
It’s been maybe 20 years now since I covered a high school baseball championship series in another state. Some of the memories are a blur. Others are lost forever.
I’m pretty sure the team I covered won the title, but what I remember for certain is that it was a unique set up in that a best of three format was used to determine a champion.
Jun 23, 2023
Brian Out Loud
Politicians could learn a thing or two from sports. And they could learn a thing or two sooner rather than later.
In sports, there is no fighting over which party is right or wrong and we don’t ever hear stories of an athlete not being qualified to play a certain position on the field or court because of his or her political affiliation.
Jun 23, 2023
Out and About
We wrote a few stories about the owner of the 23.2 acres across from Springhill Suites “threatening” or “promising” to build three 16-story buildings having 697 residential condominiums, 148 condo/hotel units and 10,000 square feet for retail use – because it has come up at county meetings.
Jun 23, 2023
Area deer hunters called to help
This week we learned from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission that a white-tailed road-killed deer in Holmes County had tested positive for Chronic Wasting Disease. It is Florida’s first case.
Jun 13, 2023
Out and About
The beach traffic seems to have calmed down a bit since Memorial Day weekend and the weekend before. I try to go to the beach when all the locals are leaving.
As a local, you have an advantage to plan to go when the timing is right because, hopefully, we have many opportunities to go. I apply the same principle when I go to Destin during the summer. First of all, I do my best not to go during the summer.