Aug 21, 2023
For God’s Sake: Walking through the valley of the shadow of death
It is Wednesday, August 16, my wife and I are in Mooresville IN having just buried her father. Russ Lambert was 106 years old.
Recently, I was thinking about all that he had witnessed in his lifetime. He was born in Indianapolis in March of 1917. In April of that same year, the United States entered World War I.
Aug 21, 2023
Brian Out Loud
After next season, the Gulf South Conference is going to look different. It won’t quite have been gutted to the degree the Pac-12 has in recent weeks, but the Pac-12 can relate to the pain the GSC is enduring.
Shorter and North Greenville are headed to Conference Carolinas. That means only six will remain, including the University of West Florida, the 2019 NCAA Division champion in football.
Aug 15, 2023
Out and About
Have you noticed that the Weather Channel has turned into the town crier touting that the end is near? I noticed recently that the Weather Channel started naming all the winter storms.
However, when I looked it up, they apparently decided to start naming winter storms in 2012. We used to just have named hurricanes but that wasn’t enough.
Aug 14, 2023
A free press must prevail
In a rare event, law enforcement raided a local newsroom in Marion, Kansas, carrying out equipment, computers, cell phones and files. They also raided the publisher’s and the owner’s home.
Apparently, the newspaper received a tip about a local restaurant owner’s drunk driving conviction. The paper chose not to publish any of the information.
Aug 14, 2023
One nation under God
God bless Rabbi Danow of Temple Beth El and Chabad Center, Pensacola Jewish Community. His attitude toward the vandals and unwillingness to retaliate are commendable! Shame on all anti Semites.
Aug 14, 2023
Brian Out Loud
We are just going to take it one game at a time. We have to work hard and give the best effort possible. We can’t let the same mistake beat us twice.
Oh sorry. I was working on my coach speak. I’ve been promoted to coach in case you haven’t heard. Social media gave me the gig. And we all know that everything on social media is true.
Aug 8, 2023
Out and About
A new hotel has been announced for the parcel at the entrance of the beach parking lot, across the street to the east of Andy D’s. It is slated to be a 162-room Tapestry Hotel by Hilton and will feature a parking garage on the lower level. If built, it will certainly change the horizon of Navarre Beach.
Aug 7, 2023
The truth is our currency
We ran this editorial in our March 17, 2022, issue shortly after purchasing the Santa Rosa Press Gazette, and it is a message that needs to be told again.
With all the city and county messes happening in Santa Rosa County, you can be assured we will be there for the good and the bad.
Aug 7, 2023
Brian Out Loud
Miracles aren’t just something reserved for religion. They are a real thing in sports, whether you choose to believe that or not.
We might not be talking miracles on the level of Jesus turning water into wine or raising Lazarus from the dead, but miracles are as real as this column in the sports world.
Aug 7, 2023
For God’s Sake: Making quiet time is important
A friend recently asked me what I was reading in my “daily devotions.” Some of you are now waiting for my answer but others of you are wondering what we are talking about. I remember as a new convert wondering that very thing.