Feb 12, 2025
For God’s Sake
It was the end of a workday and, as is our custom, my wife and I were “debriefing” one another. I initiated, “How was your day?” My wife’s workdays of late have been exceedingly busy but today was less so. “It was okay,” she answered, “I only had about 40 phone calls.” Yes, that is a less busy day for her. She reciprocated, “And how was your day?” As I answered, I began to do something that I have done for my entire life. Leaning on my right elbow, my head cradled in my right hand, the fingers of my right hand were tugging on the flesh under my right eye. Yeah, it’s weird, but I do it unconsciously.
Feb 12, 2025
Out and About
As far back as I can remember, I have always loved Valentine’s Day. I send my children gifts on Valentine’s, where they use to be waiting for them at the breakfast table. I give gifts to my team members at the office, one year I gave them all dinner and a movie. This year, spoiler alert to whomever is proofing my column, I have a few options, and I’m not saying. Ha ha. I guess I’ve always loved love. And, I’m not talking about romantic love…I’m talking about the best love of all – Agape or Phileo LOVE…but I’m not going to get into the Greek words – right now.
Feb 12, 2025
Is the press still free if the government subsidizes it?
What is freedom of the press? The definition (Merrian-Webster) is the right to publish and disseminate information, thoughts, and opinions without restraint or censorship as guaranteed under the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
Feb 10, 2025
Brian Out Loud
They put pen to paper, signing their national letters of intent with smiles on their faces.
They pose for photos with family and friends as well as with teammates and coaches.
They pose for photos with family and friends as well as with teammates and coaches.
Feb 6, 2025
Brian Out Loud
Florida has returned to normal from a weather standpoint considering it’s been nearly two weeks since an historic snowstorm hit the Northwest corner of the state.
Being from the north, snow isn’t anything new to me. I’ve seen more than my fair share of it in life.
Being from the north, snow isn’t anything new to me. I’ve seen more than my fair share of it in life.
Feb 5, 2025
For God’s Sake
I have been a Christian for 40 years, having put my faith in Christ Jesus on April 2, 1984, in a small church in south Florida. I began to perceive familiar things differently my mind being renewed in Christ. However, there were aspects of my new life that were not familiar. I quickly realized there was an entirely new vocabulary that I needed to learn. For example, many in my new church family referred to certain Bible verses as their “life verse” and spoke of having a daily “quiet time.” I had no idea what they were talking about.
Feb 5, 2025
Out and About
Senator Don Gaetz gave us a little scare last week during the Broxson Parkway dedication. Thankfully, according to his son Matt, he is out of the hospital and in Tallahassee this week. I believe I will be in Tallahassee in a few weeks and I’m going to stop in and say hello.
Feb 5, 2025
Limiting public comment at proposed task force meetings?
It was really fun to watch Santa Rosa County Commissioners meet in a workshop setting. There was no sniping, no squabbling, no grandstanding, no name calling. It was refreshing to see this board get down to the real work of the citizens of the county. Getting rid of the troublemakers in the last election really elevated this commission and made it a pleasure to watch. Now we can see the real side of the commissioners that care about the county as they roll up their sleeves to get the work done.
Jan 29, 2025
For God’s Sake
In thirty-five years of ministry, I have had several speaking engagements, some at conferences, and many at churches. That is not remarkable for a preacher. What is remarkable is that many of those engagements were in Spanish-speaking countries, and I do not speak Spanish; to be understood, I had to speak through an interpreter.
Jan 29, 2025
Out and About
I am not a fan of snow. I have occasionally purposefully travelled to areas where I know there is a good possibility I will encounter snow, and I am OK with that because I know it is very temporary. I’m also prepared mentally, and I bring proper attire and equipment.