Apr 4, 2013
Florida governor proud of his job creation: ‘It’s working’
In the four years before I took office, Florida lost more than 825,000 jobs, unemployment more than tripled from 3.5 percent to 11.1 percent, and state debt increased by $5.2 billion.
Mar 28, 2013
Shame on the Tourist Development Council
It might be time for the Santa Rosa County Commission to rethink who represents the county on the Tourist Development Council.
Mar 28, 2013
Out and About
It used to be that when one of our employees said, “I’m moving when my house sells” we had about 12-18 months to not worry about it. However, the market is officially picking up because we recently had an instance when a house went on the market on Monday and sold for more than the asking price on Wednesday and it was a pricey home with a swimming pool. Thankfully, the closing process is still pretty slow so we had four weeks to find a replacement.
Mar 21, 2013
Do we actually need a Lieutenant Governor? Nope
Being lieutenant governor of Florida is like being the best basketball player on that team that loses to the Harlem Globetrotters every night.
Mar 21, 2013
Out and About
By the time you read this it will officially be spring and our legislators will have been in session for a little more than two weeks. Appropriate enough – Leo Tolstoy wrote in Anna Karenina that, “Spring is the time of plans and projects.”
Mar 14, 2013
Out and About
This Sunday is St. Patrick’s Day and there are a lot of people celebrating in our readership area. It started last weekend at McGuire’s Irish Pub.
Mar 7, 2013
Out and About
Daylight savings starts Sunday morning and that means Spring is here. Navarre Beach will start to get college spring-breakers. The University of Florida is out for Spring Break this week. Next week, Florida State, Troy, Auburn, University of West Florida, Duke, University of North Carolina, University of Georgia and Emory are out for spring break.
Mar 7, 2013
Help end the R-word in Florida
The Arc of Florida is working to make changes to state laws that are long overdue. Senate Bill 142, the Intellectual Disabilities Bill, would remove the term “mental retardation” and replace it with “intellectual disability” in state statutes.
Mar 7, 2013
County Commissioners get it right
Every now and then, we get to proudly proclaim the Santa Rosa County commissioners got it right. The commissioners got it right this time by approving an amendment to the Land Development Code (LDC) that creates and extends the wellfield overlay area around all 12 well heads.
Feb 28, 2013
Out and About
It is official, Panera Bread will have a location in Gulf Breeze by the end of the year. On March 15, 2012 – almost a year ago – I wrote in my column that I was at the Fort Walton Beach Panera and spoke with a manager-type. I mentioned that the Panera truck has to drive through Navarre every day from Pensacola to Fort Walton and that it should have a stop in Navarre. He mentioned then that they were looking at a location in Gulf Breeze. I proceed to email Panera corporate to let them know that they should be looking at Navarre as well. Today, when I spoke with the regional marketing manager, I said the same. By the time I was finished with her she was sure they were looking at Navarre next and said, “Let us get this one (Gulf Breeze) open first.” I think I wore her down. She works out of the Jacksonville area and has never visited us on the far western side of Florida, but I believe she will now. She is also getting a package of materials from us promoting Navarre, including the 2013 Navarre Chamber Guide that we completed last month and a Visitor Guide.