Oct 24, 2013
Out and About
Check out our local happenings page for some great Halloween/Fall activities taking place in and around Navarre. Samplings include the YMCA Trunk or Treat this Sunday from 4-6 p.m. The Navarre United Methodist Church ad has a schedule of activities taking place on Halloween, which happens to be the date of next week’s issue of Navarre Press. The Gulf Breeze Zoo has their second weekend of Boo at the Zoo this coming weekend. At the Zoo, you will find an extensive collection of animals, including their newest edition, Cooper, the Hippopotamus. Apparently it was a blast last weekend because I heard several people say they were going back again. You can buy tickets for this weekend ahead of time so you don’t have to wait in line. The lines were very long last weekend, and I’m sure they will be longer this weekend.
Oct 24, 2013
More reefs, please
The Santa Rosa County Tourist Development Council (TDC) is recommending county commissioners approve $64,000 to allow for the doubling of the artificial reefs on the Gulf side of Navarre Beach Park. This should be a slam dunk for commissioners, as this is a no-brainer.
Oct 17, 2013
Out and About
We have lots of ads this week featuring Halloween activities, so check them out and mark your calendars for the dates and times.
Oct 17, 2013
Breaking county ordinances, codes is bad for business
Putting the public in harm’s way is bad enough, but when it’s a business that is acting on behalf of the county, it makes us all look bad – the county, its residents and the business.
Oct 10, 2013
Newspapers are still the cornerstone of democracy
We’ve been calling it the end of an era for a long time now.
Oct 10, 2013
Out and About
The Holley Navarre Senior Center Pancake Breakfast is this Saturday, October 12 from 7 – 10:30 a.m. at their building across from the Navarre Library. Eat up – because you can run or walk it off Sunday.
Oct 3, 2013
Out and About
As of press time there was a weather system, Invest 97L, that is predicted to develop into Tropical Storm Karen by the end of the week. So… be sure you have your supplies ready and your indoor chores lined up. Suggested indoor chores: switch your summer clothes with your fall/winter clothes and get a bag ready for your local church or distribution center for anything you haven’t worn in two years. Do the same with your shoes, reorganize and clean the garage, go through your paperwork and file what needs to be filed, purge the rest, go through closets and put aside old winter coats for a future winter coat drive, start getting your taxes in order for 2013 because it will be January 1 before you know it, go through the books on your book shelves and take down the ones you want to donate to Friends of Navarre Library, organize your cookbooks in your cabinet, pick out your favorite recipes to rewrite neatly on fancy recipe cards, scan and send to family members at Christmas time. This could also be a handy idea list for those of you on furlough. Just cut it out and put it on your refrigerator for your furloughed spouse. That is what I’m going to do.
Oct 3, 2013
Vandalism crumbles public image
The weather was beautiful, the sculptors were enthusiastic and accommodating and the sights were incredible last weekend at the Navarre Beach Sand Sculpting Festival. Everything was perfect except for one detail: the damage to several sculptures done by vandals Friday night.
Sep 26, 2013
Snowden makes us a part of the story
When an otherwise ordinary guy like Edward Snowden becomes a household name overnight, you know that his story is about more than whether he’s a good guy or bad guy for leaking information of U.S. and British government surveillance programs to the press.
Sep 26, 2013
Out and About
Navarre Beach Sand Sculpting Festival is this weekend, September 27-29 and it’s the 4th annual competition and Soft Pack National Championship on Navarre Beach. Amateur teams and individuals (limited to the first 20 applicants) will compete for prizes. Ten of the world’s top soft sand sculptors are coming to compete so there is sure to be some sand sculpting that will impress you.