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Feb 7, 2013
In recent years, we have seen the size of our federal government increase at an alarming rate with excessive and irresponsible government spending threatening our economic prosperity. Across the country, millions of Americans have become more interested in the Congressional budget process, with many, including myself, advocating for a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution. The American people understand that Washington must pass sensible budgets and get its fiscal house in order. Over the next few months, the annual budget process will move into full swing; however, during this time we are also facing numerous budgetary challenges.

Jan 31, 2013
The Mardi Gras Parade is this Saturday at 1 p.m. and the Navarre Beach Causeway going over to the beach will be shutting down around 12:30 p.m. Last year, they had both lanes coming off of the bridge after the parade. The Navarre Krewe of Jesters float will lead the parade and they are excited to show it off because they won first place Jan. 19 in the Abita Mardi Gras Parade on Okaloosa Island. Krewe of Lafitte from Pensacola will also be joining the parade with their float, “The Sword.”

Jan 31, 2013
I get it. I’m a woman who grew up on a farm doing “man’s” work. I enlisted in the Navy and did a “man’s” work as an aviation structural mechanic. Yet, the standards for physical readiness for me were different than for my male counterparts. Sure, I could carry the same tool box, but in the Navy’s eyes, I could not do as many sit-ups, push-ups and run a 1.5-mile as fast as a man.

Jan 31, 2013
The things women can do always amazes me. What amazes me more is all the things women have been told they can’t do.

Jan 24, 2013
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” -Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America.

Jan 24, 2013
Navarre Chamber’s Annual Health & Business Expo is this Saturday from 9 a.m. until noon at Navarre High School. The theme of this year’s Expo is “Showcasing the Heartbeat of Navarre.” There will be free health screenings with interactive booths and activities from local health care providers and local businesses, included Navarre Press. We will be writing prescriptions for “Acluism.” Of course, a subscription to Navarre Press is the right prescription for that dreaded disease. There has been a new feature added this year. There will be a Physician Q&A panel. To see the information on the panel, open up the Health and Business Expo guide enclosed in this issue.

Jan 17, 2013
Santa Rosa County Commissioners have passed the buck – and the bill – to the Tourist Development Council, to fund a north end project that commissioners had no interest in funding.

Jan 17, 2013
If you usually skip the sports page – don’t. We have a story about Nadia Fingall, a 6-foot 2-inch Navarre High School Freshman basketball player that we will be hearing more about in the years to come.

Jan 3, 2013
Happy New Year! I don’t know why I don’t feel as energetic as that exclamation mark…but I want to be. I’m just a tad bit pensive about the “fiscal cliff” and the real possibility of increasing inflation.

Jan 3, 2013
Gov. Rick Scott and the Florida Legislature may shelve a budget tracking website paid for with $5 million of taxpayer money – our money. As Floridians, shouldn’t we be allowed access to the website we paid for?