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May 2, 2024
The April 25 Santa Rosa County Board of Commission meeting was an example of what an informed public can accomplish when it’s paying attention.

Apr 29, 2024
If you have seen the “Miracle on Ice” movie, you’ll remember the scene where Team USA head coach Herb Brooks has his team basically sprint back and forth on skates after a game for hours on end.
The players would do a sprint and Brooks would yell “again.” It went on for who knows how long.

Apr 25, 2024
“The times, they are a changin,’” Bob Dylan warned sixty years ago. Newsflash, Bob, they change every year, twice a year in fact. Last month, we honored the mnemonic “spring forward,” and will do the opposite come November when we “fall back.” It’s even more complicated for Floridians because we are one of the 13 states that sit in two time zones.

Apr 25, 2024
Some of my favorite childhood memories are summer days spent running around my grandmother’s yard in DeFuniak Springs. Back then, a “vacation” for our family meant a four-hour drive to Florida to see family for a few days.

Apr 25, 2024
I’m attending a conference this week in Dallas, and I ran across this column from nearly ten years ago that I felt was still relevant, maybe more so and it doesn’t just pertain to students. It was by printed in 2015 and is the subject of a book by Everett Piper, former president of Oklahoma Wesleyan University from 2002 – 2019.

Apr 25, 2024
Ten years ago, a group of local citizens considered what it would mean for Navarre to become its own town. This group raised over $38,000 and held meetings that led to a vote. They very nearly succeeded, earning 44% of the vote in 2014.

Apr 22, 2024
Lighthouse Christian College is starting a football program. At least that is what I’ve been told from credible sources. And it’s supposed to get rolling this fall.
I also know the program has a coach in place. I’ve been told Ronnie Cottrell will be at the helm.

Apr 18, 2024
Like many, if not most churches today, COMPASS Church uses presentation software to display the songs and Scripture texts on a flat screen TV for worship services. That software is linked to several databases so that all we need to do is type in a song title or Scripture reference, and instantly we are provided with the words fully formatted for display. Those who use it know what a time-saver such software can be. I appreciate the available technology, but I also have a complaint – the song lyrics have no punctuation.

Apr 18, 2024
Spring has sprung and oddly, certain trucks are a lot louder. I was sitting outside eating at Johnny Huston’s and no less than six different trucks went by on Highway 98 revving their engines with a loud reverberation. I decided it was some kind of “mating call.” It is definitely an attempt to garner attention. I mean – girls really dig loud trucks – not. But maybe, they were girls trying to attract the guys. That would actually be genius, but then you might end up with a guy who thinks one of the coolest things you can do is drive around with a loud truck, and that doesn’t sound like a winning proposition to me. Most people try to find cars that have low road noise and don’t make loud sounds like back firing – on purpose. I decided to ask the all-knowing Google why people do this to their vehicles and the answers are not fit to print. The consensus online is that the drivers are trying to make up for shortcomings in other areas. I thought I was just being hyper-critical, but the online crowd is ruthless – and anti-loud noise popping trucks as well.

Apr 18, 2024
On April 11, award-winning investigative journalist for CBS News and Fox News prior to that, gave strong and compelling testimony on Capitol Hill regarding the Press Act, and the importance – no, the necessity – in journalists protecting the name and identity of sources.
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