Dec 17, 2015
Navarre Pier Revenue Question
Can someone please explain how the operators of the Navarre Pier can make any profit under the terms of their agreement with the county?
Dec 17, 2015
Out and About
This Friday, the Pensacola Ice Flyers will be playing the Louisiana Icegators at Home. Santa will be there and you are asked to wear your ugliest Christmas sweater. Don’t forget, if you are a Navarre Press All Access subscriber, we have tickets for you! We also have tickets for this weekend to the Pensacola Little Theater for the showing of “White Christmas.” Last weekend we had tickets to the Pensacola Children’s Chorus and a Sinfonia Concert in Destin with a Broadway star. It really pays to be “All Access.”
Dec 17, 2015
Water System’s premium healthcare package siphons projected rate increase
At the Dec. 8 budget meeting of the Holley-Navarre Water System with the board of directors, President of the board Daryl Lynchard said, “Our (HNWS) costs are out of control.” He was right and he didn’t know the half of it.
Dec 17, 2015
Political correctness endangering Americans’ lives
I hear politicians on both sides of the political parties defend the right of Muslims to come to our country. They do so by saying we are a country of immigrants and our morals should allow for these refugees. As for that argument, I say the past immigrants were not terrorists and were not coming from known-terrorist regions of the world as they are today, willing to kill Americans, Christian or not. Times change, morality changes and so should our immigration policies because of a changing world.
Dec 10, 2015
Out and About
I was late on a deadline today and my first inclination was to email them, “Due to the overwhelming abundance of news,” I forgot to send payroll – which I almost did. Don’t tell my staff. There is so much news and not enough journalists to go around. I’ve talked to many people in neighboring counties who tell me that there are zero journalists at their meetings nor are their citizens there that give a darn. That is a sad, sad state of affairs. I see posts online all the time that say, “I didn’t know that,” or “When did that happen?”
Dec 10, 2015
The real story on who the Syrian “refugees” are
Anca Cernea translated on Sept. 26, 2015, an interview given by Witold Gadowski, investigative journalist from Poland, to Jakub Jalowiczor from Gadowski traveled to Syria and Turkey this past summer as a war correspondent to document the “refugees” flooding Europe.
Dec 10, 2015
If you like Border Security, can you keep it?
Deluged with bad news on numerous fronts—especially from the poorly executed rollout of his signature achievement, Obamacare—the president has wanted Congress to turn its attention to immigration reform.
Dec 10, 2015
Terrorists being brought in by Democrat Party
The Liberal New York Dailey News stated “God can’t fix this” regarding the GOP’s prayers about the California shooting. Actually, the Liberals are looking to the wrong God, half their party’s “God” being “Allah” and the fact the party keeps bringing these people into our country is the largest percentage of the cause.
Dec 3, 2015
Out and About
Come out to the YMCA on Friday (tomorrow) from 10 a.m. to Noon for a book signing. The book is “The Gunny” and is a tribute to a local hero of World War II, Master Gunnery Sgt. Jay DeGraw.
Dec 3, 2015
Pull back the curtains and let the light shine in
At the south end Tourist Development Council meeting on Dec. 1, Commissioner Rob Williamson’s mantra that he repeated over and over was, “Just because a recommendation is made (by this council) doesn’t mean we (the Board of Commissioners) have to follow it.” A couple of the council members were heard saying, “Then why do we meet?” That is a fair question. Why do they meet? Do they have no value to the board of commissioners or the tourism director? Is it just a check mark on a list for Commissioner Williamson and the director Julie Morgan?