Mar 10, 2016
Border-protection wall is presidential
Today’s establishment Republican Party says it represents the party of Lincoln, Reagan and “We the People.” I say it doesn’t represent Reagan’s presidency because in Reagan’s Amnesty Immigration Bill, he signed it because it had border protection for our country in it. We got everything except the promised protection of our border.
Mar 10, 2016
Out and About
We are finally springing forward this Sunday. We have been looking forward to this weekend since daylight saving ended last year on Nov. 1.
Mar 10, 2016
Vets get voice mail at VA Crisis Line
The number 22.
It doesn’t signify one’s age, a date on a calendar, the number of days until one graduates, gets a new job, retires or the distance to one’s mailbox.
Mar 3, 2016
Out and About
“Spotlight” winning best picture this week at the Oscars is a testament to the hard work of local investigative reporting that should be occurring everywhere. We know we are committed to the calling of investigative journalism at Navarre Press. If you see people squirming after a story it’s because we have hit a nerve. And, we saw them squirm on social media this week. We appreciate investigative journalism and feel it is our responsibility even though it involves a lot of time and effort – and we get a lot of grief. However, we are very responsible with the information we gather. We have been told on several occasions that we uncovered more than the subjects of our articles even knew themselves.
Mar 3, 2016
Florida Senate should let debate begin on Open Carry
The organizing principle of my public service is Constitutional liberty. If government constrains itself to the Constitution, free markets, free enterprise and free people can thrive. Otherwise, we get catastrophic consequences such as ObamaCare, lawless executive orders and a government that (often corruptly) picks winners and losers.
Mar 3, 2016
Burglaries – unlocked cars and homes
It’s time the car and homeowners are held responsible for break-ins to unlocked cars and homes. Charges by Law Enforcement for “Aiding and Abetting” might be “wake-up calls.”
Mar 3, 2016
Water Department arson story
That was your best raw-reporting that I remember reading. It was accurate and showed the background of the Water System and how it relates today. At a minimum, the culture still exists through the proxy ballot and the administrator providing free health care (premiums and deductibles) for all the employees and their families. There still seems to be a lack of control between the administrator and board. God only know the back-door deals and the jobs still given via the good-old-boy system.
Feb 25, 2016
Record school funding? Local taxpayers bear load
Tallahassee wants to provide “historic” school spending by continuing to play Tallahassee’s trick on taxpayers.
You might think that Florida’s system of financing education is simple: Your property taxes pay for the schools in your county. It’s not that simple.
Feb 25, 2016
County Courthouse again
I haven’t read anything about what EXACTLY is wrong with the Court House. I went for jury duty. I was hoping the temperature inside would be comfortable, it was. I wanted the seats to be comfortable, they were. And I wanted the bathrooms to work, they did. So what EXACTLY is wrong with the Court House?
Feb 18, 2016
Out and About
The Destin Fort Walton Beach Airport welcomes Allegiant to the airport. They are now offering nonstop service to St. Louis and Cincinnati. Visit for more information.