May 11, 2017
Is anything absolute?
Is there such a thing as “absolute”? The dictionary states that “good” and “evil” are “absolutes” when using the word as a noun. Mathematics is absolute because it historically has only offered true answers to correct equations that answer many of society’s and science’s questions. Religion and mythology are not absolutes because it requires faith for their existence. Mythology is aligned to a period of time when humans worshipped Gods of the land, sea and air.
May 11, 2017
Scott: Florida out of economic development game
Panama City – Gov. Rick Scott said Tuesday that Florida won’t be in the “game for economic development” after lawmakers rejected his proposals for spending on business incentives and tourism marketing.
May 11, 2017
Critics call for veto of massive education bill
Tallahassee – After lawmakers ignored their calls to vote down a sprawling education bill, opponents of the wide-ranging measure have turned to Gov. Rick Scott as their last hope to stop the proposal from becoming law.
May 4, 2017
Brian Out Loud
I attended a lacrosse tournament a couple of weekends ago and saw something that should have been shocking, but ultimately, wasn’t shocking at all.
May 4, 2017
May is Military Appreciation Month
In 1999, congress declared May would be National Military Appreciation Month so the citizens of our country could publicly thank everyone who puts on the uniform of their branch of service.
May 4, 2017
Out and About
May the Fourth be with you! Happy May 4th! And, by default, tomorrow is Cinco De Mayo. We celebrate many cultures and oddities at Navarre Press.
May 4, 2017
Thank you Gulf Breeze Zoo
This past weekend, my sister and I visited the Gulf Breeze Zoo. We had purchased two Military Adventure passes earlier in the year to use later on at our discretion due to our military related disabilities. You can imagine our shock and disbelief when we got to the Zoo and realized we had misplaced our passes to enter the Zoo. It was an extremely busy day at the Zoo and Venisa Stone was busy with another customer but immediately came over to assist us. She could see the anguish and disappointment on our faces as we had waited for this one day that we both were well enough to enjoy a day at the Zoo together and our passes were gone! Venisa so generously “Paid It Forward” by believing in us and allowing us entry when she didn’t have to. It ended up be a wonderful day at the Zoo and served to be very therapeutic for my sister and I. It was because of people like Venisa that make this community and the Zoo a great place! Thank you Venisa!!!
May 4, 2017
Thank you for reporting the truth
Congratulations and thank you for the very powerful reporting and factually accurate article on the health of our Sound today. All of my neighbors speak to their concerns over the smell of sewage in the sound on a constant basis and the negative effect it has on their homes and investment. They also speak consistently on these dangerous bacterial issues and the skin disorders their children suffer from going into the water. This article sounds the warning alarms to our community and I pray that they listen.
Apr 27, 2017
Out and About
St. Sylvester’s Church will be having a Craft Fair & Flea Market from 8 a.m. to noon on Saturday.
Apr 27, 2017
Lost L.O.S.T.
Lost: “no longer possessed; retained,” and “having gone astray or missed the way.” Based on recent comments regarding storm water projects related to the Local Option Sales Tax revenue tentative projects’ list, it seems District 4 Commissioner Rob Williamson is lost on the L.O.S.T.