Jul 20, 2017
GOP Congress lacks integrity
We’ve had a GOP majority Congress for at least the last six years. What has been transpired in that time other than excessive voting to repeal Obamacare?
Jul 20, 2017
Take the money and run
Robbie Williamson still doesn’t know that stormwater infrastructure is a county function at Holley by the Sea. Robbie doesn’t pay the assessment nor property tax and should keep his mouth shut; he only adds to the problem. He didn’t do his homework to read the Army Corps wetland regulation pertaining to Holly by the Sea; usual Robbie. It’s amazing anyone listens to him. It would be nice if his listening tour would take him out of the state never to return.
Jul 20, 2017
No art in this deal
To paraphrase John Goodman as Walter Sobchak in the Coen Brothers’ 1998 crime comedy “The Big Lebowski”: “Just because we’re taxpayers doesn’t mean we’re saps.”
Jul 13, 2017
Brian Out Loud
July is one of the slowest months in sports. The good thing is the month doesn’t last forever. The bad thing is we still have 18 days to go before it’s over.
Jul 13, 2017
Out and About
Seems like the Board of County Commissioners is finding their inner Goldilocks when it comes to land for the future courthouse. This one is too expensive, this one is free but lacks infrastructure, this one isn’t in the right place, and none of them are just right. The indecisiveness of this board would be amusing if we didn’t need a new courthouse yesterday. But you can read about it in Rob Johnson’s story on 1A. Hopefully you read it before you got to this page.
Jul 13, 2017
Dear Editor, Navarre Press
Another Fourth, thanks be to God and those men and women who gave their lives for freedom.
Jul 13, 2017
Free market or fruit salad?
We give credit where credit is due. We therefore agree on the merits with Commissioner Rob Williamson’s July 6 statement on policymaking, when he told constituents in Tiger Point that government cannot be run like a business. And this is very true.
Jul 13, 2017
To the Editor, Navarre Press,
Many residents living in Northwest Florida are not aware that Pensacola Beach was once for “whites only.” At that time among the few beaches accessible to African-Americans was what is now known as Johnson Beach at Perdido Key. Since 1973, it has officially been called the Gulf Islands National Seashore. And yet Rosamond Johnson Beach has retained its name and for good reason.
Jul 6, 2017
Brian Out Loud
Baseball players who hit .220 at the low-A level of minor league baseball typically aren’t in line for promotions.