Oct 26, 2017
Abstinence is best
It’s October 18. I’ve just read Little’s October 7 article, “District sex ed to include abstinence by state statute.”
Oct 19, 2017
Out and About
Get Lost in the Fun at the massive corn maze at Sweet Season Farms in Milton. The farm is now open until Nov. 5, Friday nights and Saturday and Sunday. There is more than just a maze – see their website for all of the details: www.sweetseasonfarms.com. Sweet Season Farms has partnered with The Studer Family Children’s Hospital to raise money for childhood cancer.
Oct 19, 2017
The fight against bullying
We need to have a conversation. One that involves the entire community, schools, administrators, parents, students, influencers and churches. It will take every one of these groups to be present in order to have solutions. The topic? Bullying.
Oct 12, 2017
Brian Out Loud
I’m here to offer high school football fans in Florida a chill pill or two. Some fans might need three. The only thing I ask is that you don’t overdose on them.
Oct 12, 2017
Out and About
We put up our storm shutters for Nate for several reasons – other than we are nerds. The main reason was because there was a hurricane in the Gulf. Secondly, I was here for Opal. Opal was supposed to hit New Orleans and she took a turn at the last minute and hit us as a Cat 3. And last but not least, we had never used our fabric shutters and we wanted to actually use them. The fabric of our window covers was mildewed from our storage unit where they were rotting away. In the end, we really put them up because we knew we wanted to get our building and parking area pressure washed. We found one of the newest Navarre Beach Area Chamber of Commerce members, Curb Appeal. We left our window covers up for two days after Nate so that they could be pressure washed along with our building. Barry Underwood, owner of Curb Appeal Exterior Cleaning is awesome, licensed and insured. His number is 850-503-2444. Also, don’t use service providers that put up the yard signs on the side of the road. They are breaking the law. If they will break the law to get your business…how can you trust them? Just a thought.
Oct 12, 2017
Old Glory will be respected
My heart felt good after reading Chrys Holley’s excellent comments, “Long may Old Glory wave and be respected by all,” posted in the Navarre Press on Oct. 5. It’s a damn shame that hundreds of NFL football players are not standing and saluting the American flag while our National Anthem is being played before the game.
Oct 12, 2017
Do we aspire to be slaves or to be free? The slave does not necessarily want freedom and is willing to trade freedom for being comfortable. Being warm, dry and fed has certain appeal. Being free, one is responsible for oneself and willing to take risk for the improvement of one’s condition. The benefits of being free allow people to advance and accomplish many things the slave will not accomplish nor experience.
Oct 5, 2017
Brain Out Loud
When President Trump decided to care more about the NFL than hurricane-ravaged Puerto Rico during a Twitter rant nearly two weeks ago, the league responded in unified fashion.
Oct 5, 2017
The light shining through tragedy
We are in a time when our country seems so divided; racial outcries, black, white, Muslim, Christian, Atheists, whose life matters, sexism and so much more. The voices of today’s generation are all muddled by what they believe, all speaking at the same time and over everyone else’s voice. We cannot hear each other speak, we do not listen to the words nor the intent behind the words. And if we do not agree, we protest or kneel or shout in the streets. But every color has shed blood for the flag and it is what unites us under God.