Jun 14, 2018
Out and About
The Beacon at Gulf Breeze is now offering a Caregivers Support Group on the fourth Tuesday monthly from 6-7 p.m. with care provided for those who need it in their Memory Care Unit. Call 934-4306 for more information.
Jun 14, 2018
Withdraw appeal of smokable medical marijuana
Gov. Rick Scott, Christian Bax (Department of Health) and Pamela Bondi are refusing to obey the law and are doing everything possible to obstruct and deny the will of 72 percent of Florida voters’ mandate.
Jun 14, 2018
A conservative alternative to AARP
A syndicated article that you ran in your Senior section (“AARP Join or not?” March 22, 2018, page 11B) has moved me to comment.
Jun 7, 2018
Brian Out Loud
Just when you think Quint Studer can’t be any more of a genius, he adds an NFL legend to the Pensacola Blue Wahoos ownership group.
Jun 7, 2018
Out and About
First Baptist Navarre is now accepting registrations for Vacation Bible School held 8:30 a.m. – noon, June 25-29 for kindergarten through sixth grade. Visit fbcnavarre.org for more information. Moms – this is a great way to get a break during the summer. Your children will be occupied in a safe environment learning good values and you can go grocery shopping and maybe even take a trip to the beach! When my children were younger – I had every VBS for the entire summer on my calendar. And, my children had an awesome time and learned a lot of cool crafts. I learned how to do this during the summer from my mom.
Jun 7, 2018
The disappointed commissioner
In the public venue of social media, our very own Commissioner made the comment that the current pier management group “as expected has been a complete disappointment.” Let’s analyze that for a moment.
May 31, 2018
Out and About
Tonight is the first free concert in the Tunes by the Dunes concert series at Navarre Beach Park’s Sand Crab Pavilion, just east of the Navarre Beach Fishing Pier. The concert series is Co-hosted by Okaloosa Gas District, Navarre Press, Santa Rosa County Tourist Development Office, Navarre Beach Area Chamber and Cat Country 98.7. The summer concert series will offer an exciting line-up of 14 FREE outdoor concerts every Thursday (7-9 p.m.), from May 31 to Aug. 30.
May 31, 2018
Subtropical storm Alberto scores sub-zero
May 25 weather forecasters all over the Florida panhandle along with the national weather services were watching a storm brewing in the northwestern Caribbean Sea. The National Hurricane Center (NHC) issued its first advisory on the storm, subtropical storm Alberto, at 10 a.m. All of this was happening ahead of the official June 1 start to hurricane season. Someone forgot to brief Alberto that he was too early for the party. It’s like the person you didn’t invite to the party, yet they insist on coming – and they arrive empty-handed. Alberto was a dud.
May 31, 2018
The meaning of Memorial Day
Meditating on the true meaning of Memorial Day, not on planned activities, I was delighted to read an article on “American Black Patriots.” The bios of Salem Poor, Crispus Attucks, James Armistead, and the Black Regiment blessed me. Two of them were from New England, my birthplace.