Jun 28, 2018
Brian Out Loud
The last time I saw Darnell Deas was in November. I was covering Navarre’s regional semifinal game against St. Augustine.
Jun 28, 2018
Out and About
The Navarre Beach Chamber of Commerce is hosting a Hometown 4th of July parade and celebration. The fun starts at 6 p.m. with a children’s parade. Live entertainment will start at 7:30 p.m. and fireworks at 9 p.m. Visit www.navarrechamber.com for more information.
Jun 28, 2018
Have you had enough? Every issue is politicalized and discussed with emotion instead of logic. In many cases, the discussion is simply a lie. If a lie is repeated enough times, uninformed people begin to believe the lie.
Jun 21, 2018
Brian Out Loud
The scene was one all baseball players dream about, but a dream that comes true for only a small percentage of players.
Jun 21, 2018
Out and About
Remember when it was very cold this winter and we wished for summer? Me either. It is hot! As I write this – the heat index is 103 degrees. Thank goodness for air conditioning!
Jun 21, 2018
“Nine Rules From Chris Pratt”
At this year’s MTV Movies and TV Awards, Chris Pratt accepted the Generational Award and in his speech he dedicated it to his son, Jack. He also took the moment to pass along some pretty great advice to the next generation.
Jun 21, 2018
Have you had enough? Every issue is politicalized and discussed with emotion instead of logic. In many cases, the discussion is simply a lie. If a lie is repeated enough times, uninformed people begin to believe the lie.
Jun 21, 2018
May Old Glory wave forever
Good for President Trump’s Celebration of America instead of hosting NFL members whose leadership condones anti-Trump, American, and government activity on company time! No employee on their job could get away with that! So the Eagles didn’t genuflect. They’re still NFL members.
Jun 14, 2018
Brian Out Loud
Celebrating the Fourth of July won’t be the only big event in Cleveland this summer.
Jun 14, 2018
The penalties for not supporting Williamson
The penalties are stiff for not supporting our current commissioner Williamson – just ask Jack Sanborn. He found out the hard way. The maestro of manipulation orchestrated a move during the board of county commission meeting Monday to remove longtime Tourist Development Council member Jack Sanborn from the TDC. It wasn’t even on the agenda. His instrumentalists marched up to the podium one by one.