Wendy Victora Rudman: County does good work with vaccines
Letters: Let’s honor true Navarre hero
Letters: Rethink renaming bridge after Trump
I think that renaming the Navarre Beach Causeway after Donald J. Trump is a HORRIBLE idea!
On Nov. 3, President Trump became one of a small handful of one-term presidents in the last century. He is one of only three to have ever been impeached.
Letters: Trump and Navarre Beach Bridge not a good fit
Nature sends signals that winter is here
A walk around the neighborhood or forest will confirm winter is here. Of course there are the recent thermometer readings and the shorter days.
Other signs are the thicker coats on animals which by choice or situation must remain exposed to the elements. Some, like the native reptiles and amphibians, are absent from sight having retreated to a safe location to “sleep” the winter away.
Brian Out Loud
It began with losing Kobe Bryant. And that one stung. Losing all-time greats at a young age is never an easy pill to swallow.
That should have been enough for 2020. But it wasn’t. The year got reckless and just kept delivering punch after punch.
Out and About
I hope everyone enjoyed their holidays. I feel like I more than made up for being on vacation for two weeks in 2019 over Christmas and New Year’s.
The office renovations have been slower than expected but apparently from what I’m told, that is to be expected.
Wise Words: Editor finds more than shells on beach walk
You never know what you’ll find during a walk on the beach.
Sand dollars, seashells, driftwood or debris. You might spot a sea turtle trolling along parallel to shore or have to dodge a shore fisherman’s thin shimmering line. You might see crabs or jellyfish or baitfish along with surfers, swimmers and paddleboarders.
For God’s Sake: Don’t do without thinking first
An essential industry tool back when I worked as an animator was the character sheet. The character sheet displayed sketches of the cartoon character we were animating.
The character designer produced it to show the animator what the character should look from different angles, in different poses and emotions.
Out and About
I started writing my column about the lessons I’ve learned from cleaning out my office, including filing cabinets after 20 years of accumulating “stuff,” but I’ve decided that will be more appropriate for the new year.
Let’s just say halfway through I thought about calling the whole thing off.