Brian Out Loud
Name that bridge. It just sounds more fun than name that tune doesn’t it?
I think so. I hope you do as well.
Guest Opinion: City manager shares ‘community success story’
Exciting news for Tiger Point Golf Course! The City of Gulf Breeze has approved a purchase and sale agreement with Capstone Golf II LLC for the 18-hole east golf course and with Scott Zepp for the clubhouse and adjacent holes 10 and 18 of the old west golf course.
Following a due diligence period, closing is scheduled for late February.
Wise Words: Appreciate every step you take
It’s been three years since I took a careless step into a puddle of water at an athletic event and tore my hamstring muscles.
I remember slowly doing something like the splits and feeling a tearing motion so visceral that I could almost visualize what was happening under the skin.
Reptiles and amphibians rarely seen but are still around in winter months
The covers feel really great on cold February mornings, especially when it is time to get up and go.
Warm and secure, there is the impulse to remain in bed for an extended time and delay the thermal shock of the world beyond blankets and quilts. Most residents of the area however must rise and, hopefully, shine.
Letter: Want to change party affiliation? Here’s how
Want to change party affiliation? Here’s how
I recently sent this letter to our supervisor of elections. I thought others might want to use it as a template.
For God’s Sake: Becoming a new creation in Christ
A lifetime ago, I was the lead guitarist for a rock band.
When I admit this in church circles, it is met with a bemused look that says, “Really?” I will admit, I bear little resemblance to a “rocker” with my gray hair and conservative attire but put a guitar in my hands and my claim is quickly validated.
Brian Out Loud
Ian Lockwood has been gone for 10 years, but the former Navarre Raider’s legacy remains alive and well.
I personally didn’t know Ian. I wasn’t working here when he was going through his difficult but brave battle with brain cancer.
Out and About
We all knew that new commissioner, James Calkins, is a proud supporter of former president Donald Trump, but we were amused to find out that the voicemail on his phone identifies him as Trump himself.
“Hi, this is Donald Trump,” it begins, with the last part of Trump’s last name swallowed by another message.
Editorial: Eight words that changed the county
Eight words and at least two months of argument that revealed political fissures, real or imagined, between the north and south ends of Santa Rosa County and pitted science against business might have come to an end.
It is anticipated that the county commission will vote 5-0 during a Feb. 25, 2021 meeting to drop a proposed amendment to the Comprehensive Plan that would have allowed more or new borrow pit mining above a protected drinking water reservoir that serves tens of thousands of people.
Disappointed after watching BOCC meeting
There was a Santa Rosa Board Meeting last night. Presiding over the meeting were:
– Commissioner Sam Parker – District 1
– Commissioner Robert Cole – District 2
– Commissioner James Calkins – District 3
– Commissioner Dave Piech- District 4
– Commissioner Colten Wright – District 5