Out and About
The Navarre Beach Area Chamber of Commerce continues to fulfill its mission while celebrating the successes of the last 12 months.
Although the annual gala last week looked a lot more like the breakfast it turned into, it was great to see so many business owners and chamber members in the same room.
Wendy Victora Rudman: More than just a number
In the six months I have been editor of the Navarre Press, I have met just one family who lost a loved one to COVID-19 in Santa Rosa County.
Evelyn Keating, whose husband Dennis was hospitalized for months before passing away, was known locally as the As You Wish Handyman. He died Sept. 15.
For God’s Sake: Oatmeal monthly reminder of living by faith
When the temperatures recently dipped into the 20s here on the Emerald Coast, I was robbed of a favorite seasonal pastime: flaunting our balmy weather before my family and friends living in the north.
Instead, they mocked me as I whined about temperatures they consider to be a warming trend. I have grown so soft that what little fashion sense I possess is lost in such weather.
Brian Out Loud
I watched a lot of bad basketball four years ago during Abby Fogg’s first season as the head coach.
Don’t get me wrong. The Raiders competed hard that season. They just didn’t win very often. They won only seven times to be exact.
Cherry laurel good indicator of warm weather ahead
As February closes in on March, some are asking the age old question: “Is spring here?”
A few moderately warm days will stimulate interest in the topic for a variety of reasons.
Out and About
This will be a big week for those who have been keeping a close eye on Santa Rosa’s battles over water.
Thursday night is when the Santa Rosa County Commissioners are expected to lay their Dec. 10 vote to rest, by voting against that plan to repeal some wellfield protections.
For God’s Sake: Never elevate anyone to a status that we believe them incapable of sin.
Several months ago, I wrote a column about deceased Christian apologist Ravi Zacharias and how I had benefited from his ministry.
Recently in the news I read that the accusations of sexual misconduct and sexual abuse leveled against him in recent years by several women have proven true.
Editorial: Were commissioners helping or hurting by easing one person’s code woes?
Representative government or political interference with the law?
Like the Federal government functions on the principal of subdividing its lawmaking (the Congress), law administration (the Executive), and law interpretation (the Judiciary) duties to prevent abuses against citizens, so too must Santa Rosa County.
Wendy Victora Rudman: Silver lining in wearing mask
I was raised on a steady diet of platitudes. The early bird gets the worm. Every cloud has a silver lining. A picture is worth a thousand words.
Like so many things I told my children, phrases like these become meaningless – perhaps because they are said so often.