For God’s Sake: As my heart changed, my music did as well
Occasionally, I’ll hear a song from my youth and, in an instant, memories will flood my mind. I suspect that old men have been saying this ever since there has been music.
As a Canadian, my playlist drew from diverse sources.
Letter: Learn more about your inalienable rights
When was the last time you read the US Constitution or Declaration of Independence? Do you know the liberties delineated in the 1st Amendment?
If not, if you don’t know your liberties or inalienable rights, how do you know when they’ve been eliminated by government?
Editorial: Give us back our bridge
Out and About
The water issue may be temporarily off the table, but Jerry Couey is going to make sure citizens are keeping an eye for what’s best for Santa Rosa County.
He made a presentation at the March 9 Board of County Commissioners meeting to announce a new water protection group.
Snakes roused into action during warm afternoons
On the still days after late winter cold fronts pass through north Florida, the silence beyond suburbia can be thunderous.
Only the occasional puff of wind in the pines and the crunch of dried leaves underfoot shatters the quiet.
Wendy Victora Rudman: Don’t blink or you’ll miss the death of a business
Many of you have been driving up and down U.S. Highway 98 for decades, trying to keep a safe distance from the car in front of you and an eye on the rearview mirror to make sure no one crashes into you from behind.
It’s a road that is both monotonous and terrifying.
Brian Out Loud
All too often decisions made by the Florida High School Athletic Association make little sense.
This time, the state did the right thing.
It was announced Monday that the FHSAA has officially wrapped up the reclassification process, and it did so in sprinter-like fashion.
For God’s Sake: Christ willingly gave his life-giving blood for me
I don’t know what romantic thing you did for Valentine’s Day, but my wife and I gave blood. It was her idea.
She is always ready to give blood whenever “The Big Red Bus” is in town and I always ask, “What are they giving away?”
Damaged bridge sparks unanswered questions
Why did that barge cause damage to the bridge?
The answer, as I see it, there was no protection for the bridge supports. Now, the question is, why not? Was it not in the design contract or did the design engineers not include protection for the bridge supports?
Slugs in search of meals and mates
The lengthening days and cold fronts with lessening intensity are speeding up the activity of many plants, animals and fungi as spring approaches.
During this period of mostly moderate temperatures, the installation of ornamental plants and vegetable gardens is a popular activity. Garden centers are offering a variety of tender starter plants which are easily transplanted.