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May 5, 2016
This is our second week of publishing a page from the Milton Gazette. The issue this week is from August 19, 1910, and in it is a story that starts with “A rare relic.” It details how someone brought them a paper from January 4, 1800, that gives an account of George Washington’s funeral.  Here we are looking back at newspapers from more than 100 years ago to a paper that is also looking back at a newspaper more than 100 years ago. And, because the Milton Gazette reprinted that, we have a real treat – from more than 200 years ago. Please read the entire page of the Milton Gazette. If only you could hear Gail Acosta read it out loud. We may have to start a YouTube channel because the way she reads it – makes the entire page come to life.

Apr 28, 2016
Fun Fest is this Saturday!  When I was the chairman of the board of the Navarre Chamber, we went from a Friday night, all-day Saturday, half-a-day Sunday event to just a Friday evening – Saturday event. This year…they are eliminating Friday night and holding the event only on Saturday. The changes sound good to me and it promises to be a very fun event. In fact, I may just enjoy every moment of it because all-day Saturday sounds very manageable.

Apr 21, 2016
We made a few small changes to this week’s issue but next week – there will be an even more noticeable difference. One difference will be where you will find this page. We are going to move this page to the back of the A section for several reasons one of which is because we are going to have two pages of editorial content. We have had a small debate at the office about our section that starts out with the word “Community.”  All of Navarre Press is about our community or news that affects our community, so why have a page that says “Community?” We are still mulling that over. We will be moving a few other pages around and we are going to have a regular “History” page. The page may appear every other week – or every week. Today’s news is tomorrow’s history. However, we have found a source for local history that is a-w-e-s-o-m-e. 

Apr 14, 2016
I would invite everyone to go to the Navarre Press YouTube channel and watch the video of the meeting that took place on Saturday in regard to the attempt to form a historical society for our area. I would spell it out – but you are all smart people. You might want to look at the relation of all of the people nominated and voted on to the “board.” I’ll give you a hint; they are all related and related to the person that nominated them.  And, in case you want to know when the next private club meeting is – we don’t know. I don’t think we are invited.  And, bottom line, we know you are smart enough to know not to believe what you read on Facebook. If you have any questions about Navarre Press or me – please call. I’m not going to play the vulgar game that was played this past weekend on the Tower of Babel – otherwise known as…I’m not going to even say it. It is disgusting and Facebook is of the Devil and the Father of Lies himself – resides there – on certain Facebook sites that will not be named.  People write things on Facebook that they do not have the guts to say in real life.  I have so much more to say – but you will have to wait until the Navarre Press’ UNCUT version comes out.  Hey, I reserve the right to have the uncut version next week…OK editor? You will find our YouTube site here:

Apr 7, 2016
This has been an interesting week. A few months ago Navarre Press signed a book deal with Arcadia Publishing to produce a primarily pictorial history of Holley-Navarre, Fla. All proceeds on our part will be set aside for a historical society and we disclosed that to everyone we have spoken with.  Since that time, our writer, Jon Crider, has been talking to our neighbors in Holley to obtain photographs. We were told that if we were interested we should come up to Holley on Saturday and help with the Holley Point Cemetery clean-up to “prove” that we were really interested. Jon Crider and I were there at 8 a.m. Saturday morning to help clean up with three others. Five more helpful people showed up a little later. Those that could not physically help out provided food.

Mar 31, 2016
This issue is full of great information and I can brag because it isn’t about me – it is about our wonderful staff. They have really stepped it up. However, this level of great coverage is considered normal around here. We have a core value which is “Excellence is our ordinary.” I love that value and it is so true at Navarre Press. We don’t want to settle – we never settle. We didn’t like to settle even before the DirecTV settler commercials became popular.

Mar 24, 2016
Adcomm is having a Job Fair at their Mary Esther office on Wednesday from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m.  They have several positions available.   See their ad on the classified page for more information.

Mar 17, 2016
My column is a little shorter than usual because of Sunshine Week and the opportune timing of our commissioner deciding to answer a constituent’s letter to the editor by posting his answer to Facebook and not sending his reply back to the constituent.  Mr. Cichy, veteran, copied Commissioner Rob Williamson on a letter to the editor that he sent to Navarre Press. He didn’t want to blindside Williamson – because – he is nice. However, Cichy is not on Facebook. He didn’t even know of Williamson’s reply until we emailed it to him. Instead of talking to the people, Commissioner Rob Williamson wants to talk to Facebook and have a one-sided conversation. And, he bans constituents with whom he doesn’t agree. The banned constituent has told us he is filing an ethics complaint against Commissioner Williamson. There may be more than one banned constituent. I find it ironic that the very day Commissioner Williamson leaves for Washington D.C., on his constituent’s dime (and many of them) for meetings on Defense Initiatives (of which his participation will show us zero dividends), he lashes out at a veteran who is just expressing his opinion.

Mar 10, 2016
We are finally springing forward this Sunday. We have been looking forward to this weekend since daylight saving ended last year on Nov. 1.

Mar 3, 2016
“Spotlight” winning best picture this week at the Oscars is a testament to the hard work of local investigative reporting that should be occurring everywhere. We know we are committed to the calling of investigative journalism at Navarre Press. If you see people squirming after a story it’s because we have hit a nerve. And, we saw them squirm on social media this week. We appreciate investigative journalism and feel it is our responsibility even though it involves a lot of time and effort – and we get a lot of grief. However, we are very responsible with the information we gather. We have been told on several occasions that we uncovered more than the subjects of our articles even knew themselves.
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