Out and About Archive
Dec 8, 2016
Out and About
The articles on the drug issue in Santa Rosa County represent many weeks of reporting by our reporters who worked with numerous county and national agencies to bring us the latest information on the current trends. The drug issue is a huge issue in most communities and we can’t just turn our backs on the issue. It is an ugly truth that needs to be faced head on or it will only get worse. And, when a drug issue gets worse in a community, everything gets worse. This subject tears families apart and feels like it tears out the heart of many parents that watch their children suffer through drug addiction.
Dec 1, 2016
Out and About
Congrats to the Navarre High School Raider Football Team for making it to the final four. They play Lake Gibson High School Braves Friday night in Navarre. The team will be traveling from Lakeland which means there be a lot of visitors in our area for the game. The next and final game will be in Orlando at 3 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 10 at the Camping World Stadium.
Nov 24, 2016
Out and About
I hope this issue finds you home with your family and/or loved ones this Thanksgiving season. We all have a lot for which to be thankful.
Nov 17, 2016
Out and About
Way to go Santa Rosa County voters where 68.04 percent of Santa Rosa County voters turned out to vote in the recent General Election. This participation rate has only been exceeded once and that was in the 1984 election. See our story on Community page B1.
Nov 10, 2016
Out and About
Please recognize all the veterans in your life for the sacrifices they make and have made to make us the greatest nation on the face of this earth.
Nov 3, 2016
Out and About
As you might know – we have a national election going on. I’ve heard many say they don’t like politics and this time it is worse than ever so they just aren’t going to get involved. Really? You have to get involved. This is about your future, your children’s future, and the past. What about the heroes who fought and died for your right to vote? Please be an informed voter.
Oct 27, 2016
Out and About
Early voting – is 7 a.m. – 7 p.m. from this past Monday until Saturday, November 5. For the first time, they are open on Sunday. On the south end – you can vote at the South Santa Rosa Service Center at 5841 Gulf Breeze Pkwy or the Tiger Point Community Center at 1370 Tiger Park. Really – they aren’t that far apart. And, now I’m wondering if that is necessary – but that isn’t my department.
Oct 20, 2016
Out and About
This Friday is the opening game for the Pensacola Ice Flyers’ 2016-2017 season. The Ice Flyers will raise their championship banner and receive their 2016 championship rings. Navarre Press has tickets for our All-Access subscribers. You can call our office to subscribe and receive 2 tickets to the game.
Oct 13, 2016
Out and About
Last week we published all the fun things to do on the Beaches to Woodlands Tour. This week we have a special story about one of those stops along the way, the Kiln Openings at Holley Hill Pottery. Don’t miss it on Page B2. It’s the next best thing to being there.
Oct 6, 2016
Out and About
I really wanted a game board in this week’s paper that showed how to navigate all of the events that are happening this weekend. However, we had too many other special graphics in the paper for my request to move forward. So, good luck – that is all I have to say about that because it is unbelievably busy this weekend.