Out and About Archive
Mar 2, 2017
Out and About
We are about to be inundated with Spring Breaking students and families. We have a schedule on our 10B. The biggest week of breakers is March 11-18. And, they will be constructing the turn lane during that time due to a delay with AT&T cable, and more. Hopefully the light is fixed. After Mardi Gras, the light leaving the causeway onto 98 was only staying green for 10 seconds – enough time to let 3-4 cars through.
Feb 23, 2017
Out and About
What happened Monday in the county commission meeting is an embarrassment to our county and especially to Navarre. What is even more embarrassing is having two chambers of commerce. One, Navarre Beach Area Chamber of Commerce which has been in existence for 41 years and the other, which has been in existence for less than a year. There is not a truer verse in the Bible for a situation such as this, Matthew 12:25 “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand.” The full context is dealing with the casting out of demons, but I’m not going that far.
Feb 16, 2017
Out and About
You may have noticed driving down 98 in Navarre – and west of Navarre, there is a lot of building going on which means that people are investing in our area. Across from The Sound at Navarre – the 250-unit luxury apartment homes, you can see the excavators getting ready for the new Walmart Neighborhood store. This will also have an outparcel for a fast food location which is yet to be determined. On the corner of Lowe Road, there is an assisted living facility that we reported on in July. Farther west towards Gulf Breeze, you will see The Reserve completing their additional apartment homes. Sacred Heart is working on the reported-on clinic at Tiger Point and then there is a Sacred Heart Pediatric facility going in just west of Panera. You can read about several of the projects mentioned above on page 1B.
Feb 9, 2017
Out and About
We have a busy two weeks ahead of us. There is the Mardi Gras Ball Saturday night and the parade Saturday, Feb. 18. I don’t want to jinx it – but the parade has never been rained on. I believe there have been sprinkles – but not an all and out down pour.
Feb 2, 2017
Out and About
The Pensacola Ice Flyers have a home game both Friday and Saturday nights this week. Friday is Military Appreciation Night where Active Duty and retired military receive 25 percent off. Saturday is Mardi Gras Night and will include a parade and bead toss. If you are an All-Access Navarre Press subscriber, we have tickets for you. You can also upgrade your subscription and receive tickets for this weekend.
Jan 26, 2017
Out and About
This is your last paper of January 2017 – can you believe it? I can’t. This month went by very fast. Before we know it, there will be graduations and summer will be upon us. Actually, if feels like summer stayed and I’m not complaining. I will not live north of I-10. I was born in south Florida and this is as north as I will live. Visits up north are fine. My fingers even go numb and turn colors when it is less than 40 degrees outside. Now you know my weakness.
Jan 12, 2017
Out and About
We are feeling very parental at Navarre Press. We love seeing our “children” that we watched grow up go out into the world and do something good or great. I know there are more out there that we never hear about, but we keep our ears to the ground. We could use your ears too. And, all that to say – WOW! It was fun to watch Jordan Leggett on just about every play last night in Tampa during the Championship Game. Our sports guy would have kept up with every move he made except he was at a Raider soccer game. And, I have a lot of friends that are Alabama fans but I’m sure they would admit that it made losing a little bit bearable knowing that one of the Clemson players that made it happen was Navarre’s own Jordan Leggett. We are beaming with pride here at Navarre Press and we hope you are too.
Jan 5, 2017
Out and About
Happy 2017 – or as we like to say, Happy News Year! We look forward to keeping you informed in the new year as we have in the past. And if you are reading this great newspaper – thank you! Our subscribers , readers and advertisers are why we are in business.
Dec 22, 2016
Out and About
Head over to Navarre Lumber for last minute gifts. They are offering 20% off in store items.
Dec 15, 2016
Out and About
When every you have one of those days, don’t ask yourself, “What else can go wrong?” When you ask the universe that question, it will show you. Believe me. It isn’t the end of the world stuff, but really? It made me laugh when everything seemed to be falling and failing around me after I asked that question – to myself mind you. Your mind is a powerful thing – more than I think we even know.