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May 11, 2017
This issue is our next to our last issue of our 16th year. Soon, sweet 16 will be in our rear-view mirror and 17 will be upon us. According to songs about being 17, it is a time to be innocent but experienced, courageous but afraid, naïve but jaded and beautiful yet lonely. According to pop culture – it is a time of transition and change. We will see about that. I think we will just skip the confused, lonely, afraid, jaded and naïve characteristics. We do have a surprise coming up for our 17th year and it does have to do with a song, but we will keep that under our proverbial hats for now.

May 4, 2017
May the Fourth be with you!  Happy May 4th!  And, by default, tomorrow is Cinco De Mayo. We celebrate many cultures and oddities at Navarre Press.      

Apr 27, 2017
St. Sylvester’s Church will be having a Craft Fair & Flea Market from 8 a.m. to noon on Saturday.

Apr 20, 2017
I was out and about on Saturday (imagine that) and I happened upon a pet adoption event in front of Cricket Wireless. I recognized a few familiar faces but I had the pleasure of meeting Jennifer Allan-Hagedorn for the first time. She was in her element with a mixture of all kinds of puppies and full grown dogs. She was large and in charge (though she isn’t large – that is just an expression.) I knew there was a story there and possibly two. The quick story I wrote about the event and the one I haven’t written – about her. Like everyone, she has a story. I just don’t know about it yet. Her business card has her job title as “Chief Miracle-Maker.” I know that must be true. And, how often have you heard Miracle-Maker? Not often. I’ve heard of a Miracle-Worker which means someone works on making miracles happen. However, Jennifer doesn’t work on it – she makes miracles happen. She puts together dogs that were destined to be euthanized in local shelters into loving homes. She is on her way to doing that almost two-hundred times this year with her team of volunteer foster homes. This was her first event in Navarre, but it won’t be her last. Please read the story on the pet page to find out about Ellie Mae’s big adventure.

Apr 13, 2017
In this issue of Navarre Press you will find a comprehensive list of area Easter Egg Hunts and Easter Church Services.

Apr 6, 2017
The Navarre McDonald’s has completed their remodeling and from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. this Saturday the Navarre McDonald’s will be having a grand reopening. “McFamily Day” will include a Ronald McDonald clown meet and greet, face painting, fire safety, giveaways and more.

Mar 30, 2017
The Navarre YMCA wants you to know that spring is a time for renewal and rejuvenation. They want you to take time to spend on you, and the Y will watch your kids during your time at the Y. See their ad for their updated schedule.

Mar 23, 2017
Spring has sprung and so have all of the spring colds and stomach bugs. Almost everywhere I visited this past week was shorthanded due to illnesses. We were not the exception. However, we pulled through and put together another stellar issue of Navarre Press. I’m looking forward to reading it at the same time you do. I do get a sneak peek, but I don’t know everything that is in the paper nor have I read every word before it comes out.  I have very talented team members that take care of that for you. On Tuesday evenings if I’m not overly inspired for a topic for my column I grab the proofs of the paper and start looking through them for inspiration.

Mar 16, 2017
Next week is spring break for Santa Rosa County Schools so be careful out there with the additional number of children and families on the road. Thankfully the weather will be a lot warmer than it was this week.

Mar 9, 2017
The Navarre YMCA wants to remind you that your membership includes childcare.  You take care of your wellness while the Y takes care of your child.
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