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Mar 8, 2018
Is it what we do or why we do it that makes the difference? The answer is in the why. Why you do anything is more important than the what. Anyone can do the what, but what matters is the why.            

Mar 1, 2018
Under the category of economic growth and good things happening for Navarre… Navarre’s Pullum YMCA seeks your input in their future expansion.  They will be having input meetings to discuss specific programs and design elements on March 10, 13, and 15.  See their ad in this issue for more information – including meeting times and locations. As a bonus, the Pullum Family YMCA is also offering $50 off the joining fee until March 17.  Offer Code is: INPUT.

Feb 22, 2018
Pensacola Bay Area Impact 100 has an ad in this issue explaining their mission and reasons all women should join. The deadline to join is March 1. See their ad for more details.

Feb 15, 2018
We have been going through all of the stories we have written from 2017 to get ready for our awards submissions from the Florida Press Association. Last year we came home with 28 awards, the most ever and we were voted as Newspaper of the Year. That will be really hard to top – but this is sure to be another banner year. Looking back over 2017 it is really hard to choose the best – they are all so good.

Feb 8, 2018
Congratulations to Centennial Bank.  Home BancShares, Inc. – Centennial Bank’s parent company, is ranked #1 on the Forbes 2018 “Best Banks in America” list, a rise from #8 in 2017’s rankings and #15 in 2016’s rankings.  This is the ninth consecutive year Forbes has ranked America’s largest banks, using financial data from S&P Global Market Intelligence. Cindy Davidson is the Branch Manager of Navarre’s Centennial Bank. Be sure to tell her congratulations when you see her. And, when considering banks, consider Navarre’s Centennial Bank, rated best bank in America!

Feb 1, 2018
Emerald Coast Med Spa is hosting a free cosmetic surgery consultation event with Dr. Tiller from 11 a.m.  to 4 p.m. on Tuesday. Dr. Tiller has performed cosmetic and reconstructive procedures on active duty and retired members of our nation’s Armed Forces and was a personal surgeon for President Ronald Reagan and is internationally recognized as a leader in cosmetic surgery for men and women.  This is a rare event for Navarre. If you are even a little bit curious – book your consultation today at 850-939-5413. Personally, I’m curious about his conversations with Ronald Reagan.  He must have just gotten out of medical school when he got that awesome assignment.

Jan 25, 2018
Several have asked how I’m feeling because they are pretty sure I’ve put the hex on myself for putting in writing that I don’t get sick. Maybe I’m just saving up for the big one. I don’t want to be glib about my good fortune and I do thank God that I’m so healthy – because I’d make a terrible patient. That is probably why I am healthy to date – because God wants to make sure the medical practitioners don’t get near me because He cares about their well-being.

Jan 18, 2018
We have an awesome Mind, Body, Spirit insert this week. We should have this many articles on health every week. We have a “Healthy Living” section each week and it is full of great information usually from local practitioners and community partners that want our readers to know how to get and stay healthy.

Jan 11, 2018
If you are not an All Access member to Navarre Press – you are missing the boat – well really, you are missing some pretty amazing concerts and plays, hockey games and any other events we have tickets to. Right now, our All Access subscribers are enjoying tickets to Pensacola Little Theater’s Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat starting Jan. 26 or Sinfonia Gulf Coast’s next performance of Sybarite5  Jan. 26. Hard decision to make but either one will no doubt make for a great evening. Visit for more details on the show. Our All Access subscribers can also get tickets to the Pensacola Ice Flyers. Call Navarre Press at 939-8040 to start your subscription. Even if you are in the middle of a basic subscription now, we will extend your subscription for a year and start your All-Access benefits today!

Jan 4, 2018
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