Out and About Archive
Out and About
We were able to get into Aldi two days before it opened and have a tour.
We also did a live video. By the time you are reading this, hopefully you have discovered that we also have Aldi’s inserts. This week there is a $5 off coupon when you spend $30.
Out and About
The Navarre Beach Area Chamber of Commerce has changed up their “Tunes by the Dunes” concert series.
This year there will be a six-week spring series kicking off next Thursday, March 10, and a six-week summer series.
Out and About
Just like the landscape of Navarre is changing, so are we.
With the addition of two papers to our parent company, Sandpaper Publishing, Inc., we have had changes in our staffing. In addition to hiring and getting ready to staff the two new (to us) titles, Santa Rosa Press Gazette and the Crestview News Bulletin, we have had changes in roles in our company.
Out and About
Good news! Aldi will be providing inserts/advertising to our readers.
They are planning on opening in March. Between Aldi, Publix and Winn Dixie advertisements in Navarre Press, you will have all the information you need to shop in Navarre.
Out and About
Congratulations to all the Navarre Beach Area Chamber of Commerce award winner nominees for 2021.
The winner will be announced at the breakfast that will be held on Friday, January 28, 2022, at 7:30 am at St Sylvester Catholic Church, 6464 Gulf Breeze Parkway.
Out and About
The zoning board has denied a request for a new RV park on a 20-acre parcel east of Milton, citing environmental concerns.
It will be interested to see whether county commissioners take a different position, as the two boards have so often split in the past.
Out and About
People seem surprised when I show up at meetings. I’m on the board of the Navarre Beach Area Chamber of Commerce Foundation and have been on the board for more than 10 years.
When I walked in yesterday, they seemed surprised. They thought I wouldn’t be able to make it with the addition of two new papers.
Out and About
Surprise! We have two more newspapers and communities to work with every week. It has been a whirlwind and still is.
Someone sent me an email and said, ‘Yay! When can we celebrate?’ I replied with a long list of what I had on my plate and said that me accomplishing that list was all the celebrating I could do right now.
Out and About
The team at Navarre Press is wishing you and yours a very merry and meaningful Christmas.
This week will be the 22nd time that we have published Luke’s writings regarding the birth of Christ in Luke, Chapter 2.
Out and About
Full disclosure – our editor, Wendy Rudman, is helping me with this week’s column because I’ve been busy with some very important projects that I hope to share with you next week or the first paper of the new year.
Since you’ll be reading this just over a week before Christmas, I’ll start out with a Christmas theme.