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Nov 21, 2022
Sometimes we focus on what we don’t have, or situations we aren’t in, and we lose sight of what we do have and where we are. I know I have a lot to be thankful for – at all times – even when I’m wrapped up in the day-to-day busy-ness of life.

Nov 17, 2022
People have called me and stopped me at meetings to ask me what I thought about the Eddington upset over Piech. Everyone is saying that they did not see how that could have happened. Well, that is because they are informed voters.

Nov 2, 2022

A big thank you to Bob and Carol Boston for remembering to bring their Navarre Press with them to Navarre, Ohio.

We used to have a lot more entries for “On the Road” with Navarre Press and we use to promote it more. If and when you go to somewhere notable, please bring your Navarre Press and we will put the picture in the paper.

Oct 26, 2022

I’m on the road a lot between the Milton, Crestview and Navarre offices and I love listening to Podcasts.

I should be able write off my car as a rolling university, but I’m sure the IRS wouldn’t go for that. I recently listened to Chris Wark of on a podcast that caught my attention because I thought it was about Breast Cancer awareness month.

Oct 12, 2022

If you haven’t registered to vote in the November election, it’s too late.

The registration closed Tuesday, Oct. 11. Locally this election will decide your District 2 commissioner and District 4 commissioner for Santa Rosa County. You will also vote on whether or not you want Holley Navarre Fire District to be able to levy ad valorem taxes instead of the non-ad valorem fee you are currently paying.

Oct 5, 2022

Our reporter and team member, Ken Garner contributed the following one of our other newspapers, and I’m sharing it this week in my column.

This week (Oct. 2-8) is National Newspaper Week and, while it’s relatively anonymous as far as “holidays” go, it is a great time to consider just how important local newspapers are to communities across our nation and the world.

Sep 16, 2022

Cooler temperatures are here and that means the bears are on the move. According to Florida Fish and Wildlife, (FWC) our black bears are joining their northern cousins in fattening up for the winter.

Black bears eat up to 20,000 calories a day in the fall. That means, they will be on the move and searching for good food “grub” even more than usual.

Sep 7, 2022

We will be experiencing a little louder “Sound of Freedom” this coming Monday – through Thursday, Sept. 12 – 15, when the 58th Fighter Squadron of Eglin conducts night flying operations in the area when F-35 fighter aircraft will conduct missions between 7:30 p.m. and 10 p.m.

Night flying is required for 58th FS training operations and we are glad they are receiving the training they need.

Aug 31, 2022

We are excited for the fun of the Beaches to Woodlands tour to begin as they celebrate their 19th anniversary of connecting north and south Santa Rosa County with events.

We hope you will take part in the fun and venture up to the north end of the county for some adventure there as well. There is an outline of events with dates in this issue.

Aug 26, 2022

This week we have included our Fall Sports Guide which will give you a lot of information on all the sports that will be played this fall along with pictures of the teams, rosters and the calendar of games that are currently scheduled to be played.

We hope you use it throughout the fall to follow your favorite teams or team member. We will be updating each week in the paper – of course.

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