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Feb 23, 2023
One of the things in life that is certain is change. Time brings about healing, distance from what it was we were fired up about and a willingness to look to a better future. Not all change is good – and change for the sake of change is not good. But last week, Navarre got to experience change for the better. Two chambers – once a source of dividing our community – have come together as one. It was something that required the right people and the right time.

Feb 8, 2023
For the last week (and more) we have been gathering stories we have written over the past year to submit to the Florida Press Association for the annual journalism awards. It has been a lot of fun to look back, and also, it’s been very rewarding to really see the talent we have on our team across the three newspapers.

Feb 1, 2023
We had the opportunity to speak with a few members of the Navarre Krewe of Jesters last week and I was glad we did. It was certainly a lesson for both of us. We, of course, know what time of year the Mardi Gras parade is, but we don’t necessarily know when all the events are.

Jan 26, 2023
Driving south over the Navarre Beach Causeway, something new is changing the skyline … for the better. Kevin Rudzki and his crew are building a huge stage/amphitheater behind Juana’s. This stage will serve as the new entertainment venue on the Emerald Coast … or further!

Jan 19, 2023
By the time you read this column, the Holley Navarre Water System election for the three seats on the board will be over and the votes counted and announced. We cannot report the outcome in this issue since our files go to the printer before the election is over, we will be reporting on it immediately online and next week in print. Don’t forget, we are daily online and weekly in print.

Jan 11, 2023
Congratulations to the Navarre Beach Area Chamber of Commerce as we celebrate 50 years of service to the business community. We are so proud of all they have accomplished in their history and look forward to the next 50 years.

Jan 5, 2023
Happy 2023! Twenty-three years ago I hired a fontographer to help choose the fonts for our yet to be released, Navarre Press.

Dec 14, 2022
As I go to meetings and listen to meetings in Santa Rosa County and now Okaloosa County, I realize how valuable it is to know what is going on in two counties, not just one.

Dec 7, 2022
Pat Quinn, one of a kind. There probably will not be another human being on this planet that decides to start a zoo the way Pat started his or start one – period.

Nov 29, 2022
We have an exciting weekend ahead of us. The Navarre Chamber Foundation Jingle Bell Run is Saturday morning. If you haven’t registered yet, you have until 6 p.m. tonight (Thursday, December 1) or, you should be at packet pick-up at the Holley Navarre Fire Station behind McDonald’s on Friday from 3 p.m. – 6 p.m. or at 7 a.m. Saturday morning – the day of the run.
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