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Apr 11, 2023
When I left my house this morning my granddaughter was watching dancing vegetables on the living room TV and she was mesmerized. My four children were not raised watching screens or TV and I had already cautioned my daughter about getting her daughter hooked on screens.

Apr 7, 2023
Easter is this Sunday, and we hope you enjoy the day with your family and take time to remember Easter’s significance as the day we celebrate Jesus Christ’s triumph over death. His resurrection seals the promise that eternal life is granted to all who believe in Him.

Mar 29, 2023
At a recent Navarre Beach Leaseholder meeting, a “news resource” want-to-be told Navarre Beach residents in attendance that approval of the setback variance the developer of the new Hilton is seeking would allow them to add more rooms/condos to the development. That was incorrect. However, a lie travels around the world before the truth has a chance to put their pants on … someone famous owns that quote.

Mar 21, 2023
This is the kind of stuff that TV movies are made of. Our previous county attorney, Roy Andrews, was fired in December 2020. Prior to his being fired, he told developers that it was A-OK to build an RV park on Navarre Beach even though the Navarre Beach Lease Agreement does not allow for an RV park. It wasn’t brought up for a vote – it just happened.

Mar 14, 2023
With so much political drama at the recent county commission meetings, we aren’t sure what county business is being tended to. We have an apology from Sam Parker for using a derogatory term against Jews – of which I’m 26.6% Jewish – and I accept his apology.

Mar 7, 2023
Thank you to the people that reached out and said they would love to be a contributing writer for Navarre Press. We will be integrating you into our flow very soon. As I tell new team members, we are going 80 miles an hour down the highway and we need you to merge with us…we can’t stop and pick you up. Well, we could, but then we would get run over.

Mar 2, 2023
If you are reading Navarre Press, then you care about your community and you are an informed citizen. There may be many reasons you want to know what is happening in your community. Perhaps you don’t want to be the last to know, or maybe you want to be the first to know.

Feb 23, 2023
One of the things in life that is certain is change. Time brings about healing, distance from what it was we were fired up about and a willingness to look to a better future. Not all change is good – and change for the sake of change is not good. But last week, Navarre got to experience change for the better. Two chambers – once a source of dividing our community – have come together as one. It was something that required the right people and the right time.

Feb 8, 2023
For the last week (and more) we have been gathering stories we have written over the past year to submit to the Florida Press Association for the annual journalism awards. It has been a lot of fun to look back, and also, it’s been very rewarding to really see the talent we have on our team across the three newspapers.

Feb 1, 2023
We had the opportunity to speak with a few members of the Navarre Krewe of Jesters last week and I was glad we did. It was certainly a lesson for both of us. We, of course, know what time of year the Mardi Gras parade is, but we don’t necessarily know when all the events are.
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