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May 15, 2014
Check out the front page of this week’s Navarre Press and it shouldn’t take long for you to spot the double whammy for south Santa Rosa. First, we learned that Santa Rosa County in 2007 had an opportunity to gain $3 million in grant funds for stormwater mitigation for Holley By The Sea, but passed. Plus, we’ve also just learned that while other nearby counties are raking in grant funds for beach renourishment, Santa Rosa County, with its beautiful Navarre Beach, is getting none.

May 1, 2014
The East Milton Courthouse, Sheriff’s Office, Jail complex was bungled by the County Commissioners from day one. My opinion is the intent was to never build a County Courthouse on the site from the conception of the project. I don’t say this lightly and will explain how I have come to this conclusion.

Apr 24, 2014
My name is Doy Thompson. I am the father of Duloris Marie Gonzalez. I live in Ohio and I would like to ask that the community give Sean Gallagher support with his upcoming court date. My daughter and Sean were very good friends, and I don’t believe any sentence could be worse than what has already been done.

Apr 17, 2014
Dear Editor, Navarre Press

God controls the sun, moon and stars. He stopped the sun (Joshua), moved the star, stopped it over Bethlehem so seekers could find Yeshua, and made the sun go back 10 degrees (Hezekiah.)  Like a billboard, God thrice warned of four blood moons, tetrad, in Jewish history.

Apr 17, 2014
Dear editor,

I see a picture of the beach clean up by the NJROTC, great job. Unfortunately you did not include the organization that picked up the garbage that they are holding in fact there is no mention of the organization.

Apr 10, 2014
Sierra Hamlin helped restore my faith in the youth of America.

Apr 3, 2014
Her parody on Green Eggs and Ham activated vilification from the left.

Mar 27, 2014
I wholeheartedly support repairing and/or replacing the Navarre Park boardwalk. I also strongly support building a lighted multi-use path that would connect the area from the intersection of 98 and Alpine Drive all the way to the Best Western. Imagine how much increased sales tax would be collected if folks staying at St. Rosa Sound RV Park or either of the two hotels could safely walk or bicycle to any of the more than 30 businesses in that area.

Mar 6, 2014
As a 15 year returning Snowbird, I thought I had pretty much seen it all, but it appears that I am mistaken.

Mar 6, 2014
Just a couple of years ago, the Santa Rosa County Commissioners spent many meetings trying to come to grips with the best way to encourage investment and job creation for local residents. At the time, TEAM Santa Rosa, a public-private partnership was the local economic development office. Some members of the public were not satisfied by the group’s efforts, operational methods or the fact that it lacked direct oversight from the county, its primary funding source.
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