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Mar 29, 2023
I thank God that I live in Florida where we have government that is moral and believes in the founding principles of our country: freedom to live with limited involvement by the government and belief in the Bill of Rights as stated in the Constitution of the United States.

Jan 11, 2023
Tallahassee – This week, Florida TaxWatch (FTW) released Using Public-Private Partnerships and Public-Public Partnerships to Meet the Growing Demands for Public Infrastructure, a report highlighting the opportunity for increased private sector investment in Florida’s critical public infrastructure.

Dec 6, 2022
For as long as we can remember, Holley Navarre Water System’s (HNWS) board has been a hot bed of contention for one reason or another. Long deemed the “water mafia,” several board members are living up to the reputation.

Oct 4, 2022

Did you know the Iranian President commented on the Holocaust at a “CBS 60 Minutes” interview recently?

Israelis rightfully outcried!

Oct 4, 2022

On 9/19/22 The Washington Post had an article in their Magazine section by Robert O’Harrow, Jr., “The World’s Oldest Winged Insect is in Trouble. How Frightened Should We Be?”

When I moved to an apartment complex in 2019 there would occasionally be blue herons and white egrets feeding in the retention pond which had a frog chorus at night. Then the chorus of frogs was not as loud. Then the wading birds were there no more. Then one night recently there was silence broken only occasionally by a single croak.

Jul 26, 2022

The latest fossil fuel sale from the strategic reserve to China and Western Europe is wrong.

Dispensing strategic energy in this manner is tantamount to treason. Does our government care about its citizens?

Jul 20, 2022

PreserveNavarre is committed to facts and believes the people of Navarre deserve nothing less.

A NONpartisan effort to stand up for our community is a beautiful thing. This effort to incorporate as a city has already produced one of the greatest feasibility studies in our state’s history.

Jul 19, 2022

How is the national transition working out for you? Our national government has failed at every endeavor they have gotten involved.

It seems irrational that these policies are by design; however, I believe the plan is to make the citizens of the USA so miserable that transition to socialism will be accepted.

Jun 21, 2022
We currently have a Federal government that makes laws and collects money, we have a State government that makes laws and collects money, we have a County government that makes laws and collect money and for some of us, a Home Owners Association that makes laws and collects money.

Jun 8, 2022
I put guns, muscle cars, most motorcycles, powerful car sound systems, personal watercraft, oversized riding lawn mowers, off-road vehicles, and personal use fireworks in the same category.
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