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Mar 3, 2016
It’s time the car and homeowners are held responsible for break-ins to unlocked cars and homes. Charges by Law Enforcement for “Aiding and Abetting” might be “wake-up calls.”

Mar 3, 2016
That was your best raw-reporting that I remember reading. It was accurate and showed the background of the Water System and how it relates today. At a minimum, the culture still exists through the proxy ballot and the administrator providing free health care (premiums and deductibles) for all the employees and their families. There still seems to be a lack of control between the administrator and board. God only know the back-door deals and the jobs still given via the good-old-boy system.

Feb 25, 2016
I haven’t read anything about what EXACTLY is wrong with the Court House. I went for jury duty.  I was hoping the temperature inside would be comfortable, it was. I wanted the seats to be comfortable, they were.  And  I wanted the bathrooms to work, they did.  So what EXACTLY is wrong with the Court House?

Feb 4, 2016
Great Navarre Beach Mardi Gras Parade…..Best ever!.However…

I happened to be driving the Grand Marshal car that followed the U.S. Air Force Color Guard and had a great view of the crowd as the Color Guard which lead the parade passed us all.

Jan 21, 2016
The County Commissioners strike again!  Coastal Concessions asked for relief from paying for maintenance, utilities, supplies, trash collection and the employee salary for collecting gate receipts. This will cost approximately $50,000 a month so that means the first 50,000, $1-to-walk or 7,142, $7-to-fish or combination of receipts collected each month will go into Coastal Concessions’ pocket first before any receipts go to the county/taxpayers.  Any business would like this benefit at taxpayers’ expense and the commissioners just don’t care.

Jan 21, 2016
The County Commissioners need to tell the local hospitality industry, Director of Santa Rosa County Special Projects, the Tourist Development Council and the president of Navarre Properties that they will NOT delay the beach renourishment project.

Jan 21, 2016
The Santa Rosa County BOCC recently raised the tax on a gallon of gas. It was raised because of the dwindling road tax revenue. The dwindling road tax revenue is a product of some vehicles using less gas because newer vehicles are getting better mandated fuel mileage. Some vehicles accomplish this by being a hybrid (gas & electric) and others do it by being totally electric. So this gas tax is being unfairly collected from the gas only vehicles. The tax is for road improvements. Don’t hybrids and electric vehicles use these same roads? Are not these same vehicles bought and owned by the more affluent of the county’s populous?

Jan 7, 2016
Barack Obama stated “If we can save just one American life” as his reason for more gun control. Then why not “If we can save just one American life” as the reason for more immigration control? Neither one of the subjects stated has anything to do with saving American lives. It’s about wanting more gun control over legal gun owners and wanting more illegal immigration to bolster the liberal Democrat vote because you can’t be on one side then on the other, political lies with American lives.

Jan 7, 2016
During the last Democratic candidate debate a question was asked to all candidates. The question was: Do all lives matter or do just black lives matter? I was astonished by the answer. All candidates except one answered “only black lives matter.” The only candidate that responded “all lives matter” is no longer in the race.

Dec 24, 2015
Thanks for the great article in your Dec. 17 issue: “Commissioner raises concerns with Tough Mudder.” I just sent the below letter to the Board of County Commissioners hoping they get it at some point. Continuing to spend bed tax funds on events where the organizers make more than $1 million does not make sense to me. Keep pushing this as most of us don’t want to see our limited funds used on these events.
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